Is no one talking about the warband bank?

What more communication you want? They sid warbank is bugged so they had to disable in order to have functional prepatch and working on fixing it. What more you want? PM everytime they change code for warband bug fix?

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I want an update on the situtation and an update in the form of a list on what they are working on and an ETA for them.
The known issues list was last updated on wednesday, since then there were several other gamebreaking bugs reported. Community Managers not replying, Community support replying with AI messages at most, etc.

Few hours ago after reporting a quest that shuts down your client i made a ticket asking them if they could pick up the quest for my character and they sent me 3 (three) different links which finally brought me to the bug report forum that i already used for reporting it without helping me at all and put the ticket on resolved.

ETA ? Are you serious? How exactly can they tell you when its gonna be fixed? Its coding. Its fixed when its fixed. Nobady can tell you it will be fixed in 12 or 16 hours etc.

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they could say it will be fixed until next weekly reset or wont be fixed until TWW launch and it would be better than radio silence.
If they are so incompetent to fix something in a given ETA then maybe they should replace the people working on the issue or hire more. This is a multi millionaire company afterall.

HaHAHA you cant do this. What will happen when they tell this entitled community yes it will be fixed next wendesday then multiple issues will occure and it wont be fixed on wednesday? When you fix something you never say when it will be fixed becouse you are setting expectaions what you dont know they will be met.

You think when people at place i work ask me when thing they want to be fixed will be fixed i gave them some sort of date or time? No i say ā€œi will tell you or call you when its fixedā€.

Blizzard doesnt know when it will be working thats why they can give you specific date.

This is simply wrong because even before they have given ETAs for bug fixes. Again i repeat myself, if the people working on it are incompetent, replace them or get more people working on it.

My main issue isnā€™t even with the actual devs that work on it but the community managers that say absolutely nothing. Hell, my main issue isnā€™t even the bugs themselves but the fact that they are not willing to admit to completly breaking the game for several days now and they act like its completly normal. Not even a mention about all the bugs since Wednesday. Beta is in a horrible state aswell compared to what Dragonflight beta was at this time.

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No they never gave ETA for bug fixes. They gave you ETA for update patches relases where is fix for bug alredy in place. They have to first fix bug then you will be given ETA for patch release.

Learn difference bettween giving ETA for patch relase and giving ETA for bug fix.

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warbank is down because it was duplicating gold and items i assume

they caught it early so its all good

Well, we canā€™t have that. Peopleā€™s gear can disappear but god forbid anything is duplicated.

honestly warbank is just the Void bank but on steroids

Duplication of gold isnt issue in game where you literaly buy gold for real money and otherway around? Are you insane?

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Except now the game is in pretty much an unplayable state and people are worried what they can do and cant do. Reputations reset after hitting exalted, achievements not progressing (even ones that you cannot redo), quests and items crashing your client, etc. so an ETA for these fixes would be very helpful and welcome.

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nothing beats my level 10 gnome bank alt ā€¦ no warbank is gonna take him out of commission

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Funny. I havent had single issue with game like at all so. Lot of issues people have with game is actualy them having broken addons what are causing different crashes, fps drops and interface problems. But as always delusional community blames it on original game.

Maybe thats why yes becouse i actualy play 100% with original UI.

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I have no addons enabled, did a full reinstall of the game, deleted Cache and WTF folders and yet i get a crash everytime i try to pick up a specific quest. Some of my achievements are also reset that i worked on for weeks, some even for months and without starting completly over on a different character its impossible to finish them.

I never said everything is caised by addons. But majority of issues? Yes. You can be sure that most people problems with game is them running broken addons.

ā€¦but i didnt even mention fps drops or interface problems so you went completly off topic because you couldnt come up with a better reply.
Obviously addons are funky on a patch day but they usually get updated in a day or two, its super easy to check. I disabled all of them before the patch hit and i logged on.

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Yes you but most people dont. They log in see something not working and go instanly bersek thats its all Blizazrd fault even when they run 10.2 addons.

What other people reported i also have without having addons enabled. This has nothing to do with addons im sorry.

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Honestly same, I have no idea where I would need more bank space, havent even visited the bank npcs for two expansions now. I know the old ones are located in orgrimmar and stormwind atleast. :joy:

I guess this is for professions and crafters mainly, cant think of any other use for it.