Is only 1 specialisation enough?

Well demon hunters have three major mechanics:

  • souls
  • chaos magic
  • fel magic

I can see a twisted healer potential right there. Using souls from the enemies to heal allies, sapping their enemies with fel and chaos to empower and bolster allies abilities.



A big problem for most classes is they moved many skills to talents and then chose to make the passives on the same row superior.

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I agree that overall classes have been stripped to the bone.You can pretty much see it on fire mage and similar specs yeah, Fire was incredibly downgrade from what it was in Legion I feel and all Blizzard did was add abilities as talents you don’t even pick half of the time.

Whats even worse Blizzard keeps trying to ballance classes over external borrowed power, whether it be bracers from Mechagon or traits, essences and similar nonsense, I feel Blizzard class philosophy isn’t the best to begin with and they are handeling it extremely poorly too.


They’re handling pretty badly due to being stuck into this rng fiasco, but even with that removed, there is a limit on how much unpruning and reworking can be done.
I mean, the shatter combo for the frost mage isn’t rocket science, yet there is a ton of people out who cannot do it properly.
Unfortunately over a certain point, things gets too complicated for too many, so you have to stop there and fill the gap to get a kill tuned for people who knows how to play, with passives.

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Yep I agree. It’s a pretty nuanced issue. Make a class too easy and you will end up having 3 button specs which can either be undertuned or not worth playing or very strong requiring a very little effort to play.

There needs to be ballance and I am not against accesibility at all. Ideally every spec would be accesible at some base level and even people who are bad at the game deserve to be able to play their spec at least optimally while also having a skill cap that would let people do amazing tings but this is very unlikely scenario but yes I agree that’s the goal we should ideally aspire towards with the class design.

For RNG I absolutely agree, there is no two ways about that.

As for unprunning, I think we should go far tbh. I know that with the way things currently are it is not plausible goal but eventually thats the way I would ideally like the classe to develop more towards having pretty big common pool long term.

At least you can play two different roles, a luxury some of us don’t have (rogue, hunter, warlock, mage) :>

I mean it’s literally the Demon Hunter ultimate in Warcraft 3 and what made them so cool, so why not?

Illidan does it in Phase 2 during his boss fight as well.

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A ranged spec would be awesome

Yes and I mean DH can do it too
 sorta, and they do. If you want that ability baseline I am all for it.

But Illidan does it not as substitute for melee, he melees the whole fight before pulling this off. This sounds like an idea it change Meta more than anything if you want to go more in depth but I’m not sure that would be good idea.

Again I am pretty sure this is not the theme they are trying to go for.

I think we’re fine with 2 specs but it’d be nice to have some diversity in playstyles within those specs via talents. I have the exact same talent setup for Solo Content, M+, Raids and PvP.

The ONLY variation comes when I want to pad the meters on some aoe raid fights and take fel barrage and that talent adds one button and doesn’t alter my playstyle at all.

DH has a fun core but needs some variation.


I am all for adding a new spec, as long as it is indeed a bit different.

Imagine - polearm/2h wielding DH, “Discipline” spec w/o meta entirely. Instead of fel rush it would have some kind of teleportation (puff, black smoke). Instead of eyebeam some kind of whirlwind, instead of chaos strike, some cone impale etc.

Now that would be maintaining the fantasy AND having something feeling quite different.

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Didn’t read all, but yes, I would love to see another Leather Caster, as a 3rd spec for DHs.

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Yea polearms would fit nicely with theme but I dont like the idea no meta. A different meta would be good though

actually - you are right. 3 spec - each with different demonic form would be most fun solution. This one perhaps more Reaperlike, floating etc. Anyway - “different” is the answer.

Polearms for DH would be so sweet
 even if just for havoc. Scythe of the Unmaker for all those sweeping attacks :slight_smile:

They could even give it to us as a quest. We would have to go find a demon and absorb it’s form or discover an old ritual or page from a lost book; we could even discover demon hunters are even older than we initially thought.

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I think Dh should have healing spec, for real. Throwing glaives that heal people could be fun.

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I would like to point out that Illidan is first and foremost a spellcaster. Fighting with warglaives isn’t all he can do. He started out as a mage, even.
Also, Allari the Souleater has a two handed weapon. So why not use that for a second, ranged caster class, or even something like DK’s unholy spec where you’re still melee but have some focus on spells too.
I think it would still very much fit the class fantasy.


This sounds so sweet!

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Their whole thing is that we gave up all that for mobility and speed so I understand it would be tricky to come up with another spec like that so a good solution would be to give us an extra talent to choose from per row and they could even back it up with lore because we can just ‘see’ with our demon eyes more choices.

I’m all in for a range spec where we can permanently fly and shoot laser beams and glaives from above. :smiley: