I was always jealous of people having those cool Vicious Saddle mounts so I decided that in SL I am going to do some PvP and get some. But I would like to know what to play for PvP. My main is a Paladin, and I dont feel like going through ret PvP experience, I am not sure I like Prot and I dont like healing. So I was thinking that maybe I’d use this Rogue for PvP in SL. The thing is, Sub is said to be the best but I hate the dagger thing and I prefer Outlaw. Is it THAT bad? What are the win rates, for example?
Check out Icy Veins for a PvP Outlaw rogue. I am not a pvp expert, but they seem to have all the builds and rotations there.
The last I heard on outlaw was that it’s a fine spec in general, but it offers nothing over Assas or Sub and in comparison to those two specs lacks the damage also.
Win rates are completely irrelevant right now. Past win rates are irrelevant and nobody really knows the SL meta for season 1 right now.
I will say you can get your vicious saddles comfortably on any spec.
Personally I do mine as a Frost DK, super face roll and stress free.
If you’re just going for the vicious saddle, it’ll be fine. Have a blast with Outlaw in random BGs and the occasional arena.
If you aim for high rating in 3v3, then you might want to consider another spec. But this doesn’t seem to be your goal, so you shouldn’t feel too handicapped by the shortcomings of your spec.
It was lacking in BFA due you have in BFA to spend combo point on Roll the Bone and other factor.
Today in pre patch it’s really ok, it’s not bad. Also Roll the Bone become very more fun and more controllable in PvP when you will need to burst.
If you don’t see outlaw rogue it’s not because it’s bad but because Sub rogue are better in damage and assasination can get better reduction healing.
You can ask pikaboo on twitch when he’s live how is Outlaw, and it’s not bad.
Now they can get gladiator mount without to worry if they can’t ( as i will say below it’s not the OP spec, it’s not a clapping hand and boum you are gladiator )
Some rogue outlaw complain of the stun gone on Between the Eyes because it’s gone and now Outlaw got kidney shot seperate ( that allow a better gestion of Stun CD in arena) .
Also thet fact that in Legion and BFA Outlaw don’t get poison now Outlaw in Shadowland can give a mortal wound to -15% healing so that is interrestion.
Outlaw is not bad
Outlaw is back !
But not OP
After all better to play for fun than playing for win and not getting fun
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