Is outlaw viable

Hi guys,

Currently im only lvl 32 but I do like outlaw. Great control in pvp. I read a lot of bad things about outlaw but is it really that bad at max level? Planning to do pvp and pve.


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Its perfectly viable but totally outclassed by sub right now.
I’d put outlaw as B tier. Sub as probably S tier.

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Outlaw is good, but sub is better for m+ due to uncapped aoe, and a good short burst ability called secret technique while still having sustain aoe.

Outlaw only has sustain, although it’s good sustain, and it’s capped.

They should increase the cd of dreadblades to match that of rush, increase the duration accordingly to 10/12 seconds, and increase the damage you deal during dreadblades by 20/30%.

And also, blade flurry should not be capped, but rather soft capped. But 8 targets is usually enough.

Pretty awful tbh.


Fine in pve
Sadly bad in pvp

“Fine” would be, well, fine, if not for the disparity between the classes at the top and everything else.

Outlaw was never this far ahead in terms of performance of other classes in 10.0 and yet the dev team came down on it like a ton of bricks.

Shadow priests for example? Yeah, totally fine apparently…

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Outlaw is the worst spec in the game right now for PVP.

You don’t trust me? Go to check-pvp fr, or drustvar com, or any other meta aggregator site. Check 2v2, 3v3 and shuffle data. You will see the highest rated outlaw is 1800 while sub is like 2400, and every other spec is like 2200-2300 at least. Even the tank specs have players that managed to get higher rating than outlaw. It is dead last.

I’ve seen outlaw 2 times this patch in PVP. Both in skirmishes. Their highest hitting ability was like 20K, biggest crit like 30K, most attacks did 8K or so. At the same time you have subtlety that can crit 200K eviscerate easily, 80K shadowstrike, and cold blood+shadow tech for 350K with all CDs. Now compare that to 20K dispatch and 10K pistol shot…

Unless you are crazy about the spec, I’d highly recommend not to play outlaw in PVP.

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Viable? As in capable of working successfully; feasible? Yes, Outlaw is viable. The Rogue, despite the numerous design flaws and lack of coherent vision for any Spec, is very much a viable Class for all content with any Spec. However, were you to ask something more specific and open-ended, like how well does Outlaw perform, overall the consensus and numbers seem to put it into Middle to Low Tier.

Still, perfectly viable.

Not viable atm uot competed but most other specs

In PvP? Not really unless you’re god tier gamer.
In PvE? Yea, not the best but could be way worse.

Try to learn the other two specs though. I have read that sub is way easier to play in PvE.

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