Is pandaren a good race for brewmaster monk?

so I’m new to wow and wanted to start a new brewmaster tank character I was wondering is pandaren a good race to start that or should I pick another race

As always, all races are good for any spec. The difderences are so small that unless your pushing 20+ keys or world first it doesnt matter.

Pandarens are excelent for leveling cause of extra rested bonus. For max level the double food bonus is nice and gives s okme flexibility.
Most important, the combat annimations are realy nice on pandaran


He said it perfectly :wink:

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I’ll copy and paste here

“ As always, all races are good for any spec. ”

Minmaxing works on paper and that’s about it. Play what pleases you aesthetically. Make several monks of different races, see which one you enjoy most.



I am a pandaren brewmaster and I really enjoy it. Combat animations are nice and the race really complements the spec.

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Pandaren monk is never wrong in any spec.

Are there monks that are not a pandaren?


there shouldn’t be, but I had to try a didwarf… fluffy spheres is the only right choice. I miss meld a lot tho…

For levelling, pandaren has it best as you can get up to 200% rested XP than 100% for any other race so you have double that. (This works for any class really, it’s a racial buff). The rest is a good bonus as well, double food time, half the damage on falling to the ground. Some mobs/bosses flip you into the air so having half damage landing is a good bonus also for pandaren.

Also while levelling you get a quest every 10 levels to learn something new which gives you another bonus on XP earned for an hour and it can be a daily quest as well.

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You’re a big chungus with a big barrel that throws and drinks big beer whilst taking big hits.

What’s to question?!

If you are playing alliance if you aren’t a night elf you are doing yourself a disservice if you want to play keys.

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