Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

I actually find this amazing that nowadays people hop on forums and name shame others, or screenshot to cause even more drama, where the good old days at where everyone just spam emoted instead of coming here and making it awkward for everyone else that are not included even? bring back /spit emote ingame :upside_down_face:

Would be awesome xD

But blizzard is a Californian company. You already know…

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I think I’m done trolling soon, get popcorn ready bois if you want real screenshots :partying_face:

pandora you wanna keep twisting words here in forums that doesnt add up at all into reality?

I know you and the gang you play with ‘‘since legion’’ as an excuse - watch others streams just to snipe. Imagine sniping AS 2 FULL 5 MAN SYNC GROUPS IN 10V10 RANDOM BATTLEGROUNDS - and coming here in the forums saying that you guys just happened to get in same bg? :open_mouth:

I’m so tired of premades

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I was just in a russian horde premade with cam and ref, decided to afk the bg because it was too easy, they both ended up deleting me cus I cant be bothered tryharding against levelers :yawning_face:

No, it’s not a lie! Premades are the cancer of random BGs and blizzard are just a shEEt company to take a look! Fok you Bliz!


I dont even see the point of these premades, so you farm honor level SO WHAT? Youre not actually PvPing youre just playing with little to no resistance. As soon its becomes clear you’re playing against a premade most groups stop trying and cant blame them it’s boring.


Nakamura and Murba collab arc?

It’s because there’s no point in telling him, he’ll never understand it.

He has a strong main character syndrome, he doesn’t accept any negative criticism, he can’t help but think that the other person is wrong.

You can see that anytime he loses, it’s never his fault. If he gets owned in a 1v1, the opposite class is OP, and so on.

With this kind of person, who has a significant ego problem, it’s impossible to make them understand that they’re not behaving well. He’s already been banned once because of this, and he continues exactly the same way. It will happen again, and he still won’t change.


ah yes, another lvl 11 keybaord warrior, man those posts on the forum are looking funny to me nowdays they are all
ignored content
ignored content
ignored content
quote ignored content

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they don’t like other opinion, but who cares

And you tell it to the one who presumes to ignore everyone for their opinion. Good one.

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I just went into an Epic Random BG, which was clear as day a premade.

They were obviously communicating, had all sorts of buffs, and just there to farm kills.

Within 1min of the match starting, our entire team were just sitting at the graveyard, being pulled out of the immunity sphere by DKs, being farmed. :confused:

Next time take screenshot and upload it, put link here and we will take care of it & name shame them. :face_vomiting:

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there’s just a lot of bad people around currently

Yes, and you are one of them.

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How beautiful is to see an orc trying to speak and learn the common language.

:dracthyr_hehe: :smoking:


No premades ARE in fact a thing that is festering the Random BGs unfortunately. :confused:

You can always tell by the class comp coordination, where they have 1 of each class that can buff, followed by a handful of the same DPS classes to AoE farm.

And most of the time… Russian nameplates on their entire team.

It’s sad that while gaining Rated Blitz, we also lost the “casual” version of Blitz we had before pre-patch, where you could just queue no matter your ilvl. Since now Rated Blitz isn’t a game mode you enter to get PvP rating… It’s instead a gamemode you enter to “get away from premades”… Which means you get A LOT of players queuing up for Rated Blitz, who aren’t there to win, but to play “casual BGs”. :confused:

There are some SUPER easy fixes to this issue.

  1. Make Rated BGs (not Blitz mode) the only 100% premade allowed gamemode, by capping Random BGs to only allow 4 people/friends to queue together.

  2. Give us back an additional Blitz mode, like before pre-patch, where you could queue no matter your ilvl, but which mostly gives honor, so you can work your way up to Rated Blitz, without having to play against premades.

It’s SUCH easy solutions… But seeing how long this has been an issue, it doesn’t seem likely that a “fix” will happen.