Is premades just a lie we tell ourself to feel better when we get rolled in random bg?

So i keep getting these bg’s where i m hard rolled and every single time someone says oh its premade ofc we lose

but is this true? if so dosent that remove the entire purpose of random bg?. and if not… then is it just a lie we say to make ourself feel better?

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A premade to farm honor in random is quite* common. They ussualy farm the graveyard ignoring the flag or the other win condition till the kill gets almost no honor and then they finish the game.

People crying after they got killed are even more common. You will start to indentify the two scenarios in time.

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I am going to talk only about the 5-person premades, and not about synchronized premades:

Practically in most Bgs you’ll find some premade in both factions, what many say about “premade vs random pugs” rarely happens.

There are pugs mixed with premades, in both factions. I have realized that many of those who complain about losing because premades don’t realize that there is one in their group even though they are losing. They also don’t complain about the premades on their own team when they win the BG.

I would dare say that more Bgs are lost because of people who enter naked, especially 600k-1000k healers.

It would be important gear progression to be removed or reduced to its minimum expression in PvP.


short answer is
all 3
yes there are premades, yes it makes the game rly unfair and unfun, and yes some people cry premade when there is not, but its still more rare than when there actually is

as for the claim that premades are always matched vs premades, thats all bs. mathcmaking is completely random, and the more people that play it the more it stays random which is good and healthier than always meeting the same groups or individuals, so the more people we get in tthe pool the better.


Most of the time when I queue with a group of 5 the queue takes longer, and it is much more likely to be a bg where there is also an enemy group (as far as one can tell). I think matchmaking takes (at least full group-) premades into account, it does a miserable job at times, but saying “it is completely random” doesn’t seem to be true. IMHO the matchmaking could do a better job when it comes to matching equally-geared players, there is also does a miserable job at times :sweat_smile:


Seeing the same player names doing the same/tactics (even their alts have similar names) is a rather straight confirmation for (synced) premade (groups). At least they get the job done quickly and don’t purposefully extend it.

I mean how can this be truthfully answered?
If a bg is a premade does it not make it a premade just because in the previously scenario someone falsely called it a premade?

Yes, Im not against playing with 2-3 friends, even 5 is too much but 10 + syncs are insane. 5 is a static number that was left in the days of TBC , where classes who were contributing different things lacked other things which made it sort of balanced and not so impactful.
Today a single spec can have mortal strike, stuns, silences, and tankiness for example, along with high mobility. So having 5 classes that are self-sufficient already makes a bigger impact to the battleground that initially thought back in TBC wow.

If we gonna base this off of feelings.
Premades dont feel good therefore shouldnt be there.

Now a little more objecitve view of the situation:
As mentioned above the premade number should be reduced from 5 to 3.
Anyone who wants to premade above this number should go RATED battlegrounds or face ban for disruption of gameplay along with, unfair advantages and bypassing systems is considered abusive and naturally is bannable, i just dont get why no execution of these rules are being applied by the higher- ups.
Why is premade unfair?
-Premades are unfair because in the hypothetical scenario team A gets to prepare with any time they are willing to invest and team B has 30 seconds timer to discuss what they will do.
Team A gets to select the meta they gonna play. Team B plays with a randomly selected meta by the matchmaking system. (number of classes, roles and specs).
Team A gets to pick what gear they allow into the group. Team B gets it randomly selected by the matchmaking system.

Another point is - elitism shouldnt be introduced in the safe spaces of casual playgrounds of the casual players.
We have pushed casual players so back into the corner that they quit the PvP aspect of the game or quit the game entirely.

In conclusion something that destroys the fun 99% of the time, and with it destroys a whole PvP scene and repels fresh blood from entering that said scene is excuse me for the trigger inducing mention of how cancer cells function.

This entire Premade situation needs to be irradicated, purged, banned, expelled from the game.
Its not a good sport, its not a sport at all.
Its not healthy for the players, its not healthy for the game.
It should just go- it is time.


Will never understand the mentality of those who buy PC’s, then pay for the game, then pay the monthly subscription… just to do absolutely anything they possibly can to have the game be on easy mode. Seeing people in chat yesterday asking to buy rated wins, totally brazenly and unashamedly, much like those in these premade groups. Loads are boosted players that actually spend money to pretend to play a game and even have someone else play it for them… hahaha, the utter cringe is high in this game.


And the relation between these players who buy a boost and those of us who simply play in a group of 5 for fun is…?

What a funny and cynical comparison.

I’m paying for an MMO to play with others people, otherwise I’d pay for a single player game.

And game allow me to queue with others 4 players.


who mentioned you?


You don’t need to mention me expressly. You are generalizing and relating those who play in groups with those who pay for boosts, with the obvious intention of discrediting a whole series of players.

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A hit dog will holler :joy:

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No, you are just hearing the words premade and diving in about your 5 man. I am not interested in 5 mans, I’m talking about these synced premades of way more than 5.

5 is perfectly acceptable within the game as the option is clearly included and embedded into the game.

See, what you might call a premade and what others might call a premade differs.

And yes, a lot of these players in these premades have been called out numerous times on these forums for having been boosted. My comment in no way suggest it applies to all players who play in groups.

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Premades are fun…in some world of the Dr.Strange multiverse I guess.


Sometimes people enjoy strange weird hobbies fun :smiley:

Tell Laota that she cures grief in premades…

I love how you try to strawpick in attempt to dislocate the focus of the conversation with little semantics and a weaponized self-insertion with gasslighting sprinckled on top of it.

No one is against you playing with friends, but lets not pretend you got 10 friends online everyday all day because i know you and ive seen you in a huge raid group premade a year ago the single time i decided to try out pvping with Myth. The PvP premader guild you were also in.
So stop playing ignorance. You know exactly what you’re doing right now.

Nobody is butthurt of 5 man premades, you are here because you want to defend syncing under the guise of defending 5 man premades.
And you do this in a very ugly and manipulative way too.

as i said, stop pretending you dont know the context of this conversation being synced premades.

Wait until this guy finds out how statistical data is made.
Ever accured to you that if premades werent a massive daily practice players would just not bother writing threads everyday about it ?
Like i would honestly not even waste my breath if i encounter 1 premade in 3 days and i get stomped and then i que and then its fine, right?
but the situation is this → you que > its a premade → you leave → 15 min deserted → time to que again → oh its the same premade → you leave again → 15 min deserted → ill wait a bit before i que so i dont get qued into the premade → its another different premade group.

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u already know everything he is gonna say
“not my problem if you don’t got friends to play with”
“If it was illegal we would be banned”
“actually everyone who complains about premades play in premade too”
“we are just friends playing together on an mmo”
the guy is a master at believing all these, or he doesn’t and wont let us know, i gave up literally reading him because it was just meaningless, some people wil just never get it, you tell yourself “he will get it, if someone with a bigger stick comes” but they wont, they will just either quit, or contact the guy with the bigger stick and join together, until the % of people queueing wow is 0%
i believe, deep down, on some levels, they do know the WHOLE community hates them, i mean, whole except their allies, and people who haven’t met them or don’t care about pvp and only queued bg once in the past month
which is why even the mention of the name premade spawns them.

we have tried with stats, we have tried with arguments, but nothing ever worked, and now its just insults and arguing, i remember we did try to warn them, that it wasn’t exalthy for the game, the community, the players, but they wont listen.

the worst part is w/e u get him arguing he will sometime get back to “i don’t want bad players to be in my team”
becasue having bad player son both team is equal btw, but the real question is, what is bad in your eyes, u r not good yourself… and people like these made stats and armory unworthy to watch

back then you could flex your 70% winratio or 65%, because as a bg player that was pretty decent, now if u don’t have 99% u r worse than them, and they are a literal joke everytime they get their 1v1 time

so what, should i just make a character and sit at 100% winratio so that i can prove its not even hard ? u cannot read in peoplòe stats anymore, because of stuff like this
just like back in the day during cata they were selling 250k honorable kills daily by camping trial accounts at the GY at crossroads, and people waere getting bloodthirsty for, idk, 20 euro maybe, then how do u even know anymore how people play in this game, every stat can and IS faked nowdays nothing has any meaning, except playing and having fun when we can, but we can’t, because we are either camped at the graveyard, or we are camping the enemy graveyard, idk, u call that fun? gaming? not me

i remember arguing with a few of these about bgs payed and win, i take MY stats seriously, but when i look at theirs, 0. for me u have played 20k comp stomp games, thats no exp, and i don’t value it at all

i remember because someone was like “actually i have like a gazillion bgs played, evne more than you” no u don’t, camping gy with a full premade is not playing bg. (and yes, i do understand that there is nor eal way to tell if someone has done it or not, hence why i say, nowday stats have ebcome absolutely irrilevant, same for honor level, same for hks, bgs played, all meaningless, what i left is enjoyment of the game)

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I haven’t played synchronized in about a year.

I don’t know where you got that I’ve been in that guild.

I have more than 10, but don’t worry, as I said above, I stopped playing bgs in synchronized premades a long time ago.

then leave the thread ?