I’m trying to play uh in PvP, but it seems I’m really bad. With my hunt I’m often top list bg, even rank, but uh dk I don’t understand how you play this beast
I do low damages
He has a good burst, but the coldown is long to do it again and the 2 main attack do pretty low damages
I share your problem. My DPS as UH is really bad. I see warriors hitting me for +800K damage, which makes me drop in seconds.
I can not burn down any caster.
At best I can be annoying, hoping someone else will do the damage.
Is that what we are for, pulling players and harassing them in the hope that there are others around?
Unholy is pretty “bad” right now compared to alot of other melee classes, but they are playable.
I did 1 Solo shuffle on mine today at 2200-2300 MMR.
i was top damage in every round.
Ended first round at 570k DPS
Second round 480k
Third round 540k
First shuffle contained: Feral,Frost mage and Frost DK.
So Unholy can do damage, but it’s alot of AoE damage. They have weak single target.
But unholy is suppose to be a dot/aoe class.
Dk feels squishy tho, I haven’t played DK alot, but feels like that’s a problem
Main issue of dk is not that it cant do dmg, cos it definietly can. Unholy was always a build up pressure, its main issue is no matter how huge dmg you can do you wont be a menace cos while other classes can counter you with a cooldown or move away as dk you cant counter theirs. AMS just shatters in a second, IBF isnt bad but thats the only thing, and its short duration. Specially against melee. you are doomed and cant even run away.