Long time ff14 player looking to play something else since SE seem dead set on killing their game. Havnt played retail in a long while at this point, ive heard that TWW is at the very least a decent expansion but is it worth going through the hassle of getting your bearings as a returning player to experience
Depends on your expectations. The season is close to an end so obviously people are chilling out and finishing up last progression goals(if any remain).
Just to hop in and do casual lvling, rep-renown grind or perhaps some m+ (Contrary to your average forumer - WoW is dead, all hope is lost. The end is near! Preaching), people still run m+s and raids.
If you aim to get CE or something then while I wont say its impossible but pretty much a lot of guilds have either finished their progression or on their last boss. Finding a guild which is still actively progressing and have raid openings might be a bit more difficult. Not impossible…but difficult.
Dont listen the doomsayer hunter.
There are lots to do even now, but its also depend on your gamestyle.
High end content (m+ mostly) have less people now since season is near end, but once new one is coming, there will be a lot more people.
Is retail worth coming back to?
If you ask this question then you better go back to whatever you played in recent years.
Game is for all intents and purposes dead atm. M+ is hardly ran comparative to how it isually is, pvp is dominated by R1 andies and everything else is not seasonally exclusive so whether you come back ow or next year, you won’t miss anything.
I dont know when you last played but the formula for WoW doesn’t really change. I really enjoy it and WoW is my main game.
We are in the tail end of season 1 which gives you plenty of time to catch up for S2 start. No date has been given yet but best guess is end of Feb, start of Mar.
We are currently enjoying the Turbulant Timeways event so every week is some kind of timewalking. This is nice if you want to level via dungeons or get the heroic raid cache reward on max chars.
Despite the doomsayers you can still find plenty of listings on the group finder for raids or mythic plus.
I’m on a busy realm and I always see others in the current capital Dornogal. I play in WM off.
You can play WoW up to and including Dragonflight if you have pay a subscription. If you do decide to buy TWW, you have a lot of levelling and story to do which should keep you busy. Hallowfall was my favourite zone to level through.
It has it’s flaws like any other game does but if you’ve been away a long time the new systems may seem a bit overwhelming. The Hero talents are fun however, and Delves are a great feature, as long as you don’t mind Brann the Balloon constantly telling you he’s always gonna be where the action is as he charges off to pull a kobyss halfway across the map or stands on something you’re trying to mouse over.
So why are you still playing? If it’s that dead to you, quit.
But whatever you do, spare us the dramatic slapping of your hand to your forehead as you wail to thin air “oh wow is deeeeeeead…”
This. You get what you want from it, same as any other video game.
Best time is to jump into WoW is when S2 hits so the new stuff added to TWW isn’t going to suddenly overwhelm you once you’ve just gotten used to S1. And as S1 is pretty much done and dusted. Which may also give you plenty of time to get used to incoming S2 when it hits, so the choice is really up to you.
It remains however, very much playable.
Nobody can determine this except you.
It depends on what you enjoy doing in WoW.
Even on my realm Blade’s Edge I always see a lot of people running around the bank area in Dornogal.
I really don’t understand what people get from this constant need to tell people that “WoW is so dead there’s nothing for me to do!”
Actually. There is. You just don’t want to do it. So stop whining and stop giving Blizzard your money. Unless you relish being the type of person who constantly sticks their hand on a burning gas stove then complains when you get burnt. Again and again.
The best time to return to retail World of Warcraft is never at the end of a season but at the beginning of a patch. Everyone will be online, pushing Mythic+ keys, raiding, or engaging in world content, which will be active for a period of time.
So, if you really want to return, just wait for the next patch.
Same ff14 players syndrom
If you criticise the game → torches and stones + REEEEE
Your denial is huge.
I invite you to check how many viable and interessnt content there is
I invite you to check durnogal in big population servers : empty
I invite you to check how many raid guild died
How many keys group in lfg
Etc etc
Many players fel insulted by the siren Island " content "
Many player are laughing about the mario kart next new feature
Other incoming nerf for trash spec in ptr
Etc etc
Only 4-5 million active players
The game is dying
It is. New patch is about month away, which gives you just the right amount of time to complete current things.
You’re not criticising. You’re doomsaying. There’s a difference.
Try harder. Much harder. And go and fix your namechange, you’re not “cool”…
See that’s already a busted flush for you as you labour under the delusion that everyone has to enjoy the same content you do. I find plenty of things for me to do in WoW.
I repeat. Try harder. Much harder.
As you’re rushing to edit to try and justify yourself but making a complete mess of it as you furiously smash your keyboard in a vain attempt to score a point,
I already stated that even at 3 am in the morning I see plenty of people in Dornogal. Shall I take a screenshot for you tonight?
Irrelevant to me as I don’t raid. Next.
I don’t play M+ so again, irrelevant to me. Next.
No, provide clear and concise examples of "dead content that everyone plays because you play it. And I can go online right now and find at least ten groups that make an absolute mockery of your claim that “no one is playing”. But then again it appears you only count in millions.
Good for them. They don’t speak for me. Never have. Never will. I took Siren Island for what it was. Filler content for a few weeks. I have everything I wanted so have no reason to go back.
Guess what! Everything you do in WoW? The exact same. Filler content until the next content comes along.
What does that have to do with WoW? You’re really stretching now aren’t you? Don’t trip yourself up. I play Candy Crush Saga in my phone. I laugh at their constant need to throw “buy hearts” in my face. Like Mario Kart, absolutely sod all to do with WoW.
Try harder. Much harder.
OK and? Does everyone play that “spec”? You’re flailing so hard right now, you look like a grown man screaming for a lifebelt in a 2 inch deep puddle.
Examples examples.
LAWL. Sonny.
There isn’t a subscription based game out there who wouldn’t kill their own parents for a “dying” sub count of 4 to 5 MILLION, read that again son because it’s important to the context, 4 TO 5 MILLION PLAYERS… In fact ANY game would do the same for 4 to 5 million players!
But you think it’s a dead game.
Id really hate to see what you think makes a “live game…”
And to finish, sonny. next time you try and score points off me,
Try harder. Much, much, MUCH harder because right now, you were swatted aside like a fly.
Been dying since early Vanilla TBC?..or maybe late Vanilla(first doomsayers appeared when TBC was announced).
The only thing you fear is denial
We should thank him for one thing, he’s proven that there’s plenty of reasons for the OP to return.
Yes you do. Not my fault son. Go and bore someone else with your insecurity.
Yet here you are… still paying your sub for this dead game
Dornogal right now:-
As you can see it’s plenty busy, lots of people comign and going.
The M+ listings at this time:-
The Raid listings availalble now:-
So I’m really not experiencing this dead game some doomsayers like to say every expansion, every season.
I stopped playing but my sub still active cause i subbed for 3-6 months.
I ve the right to post until my sub is active.
And OP have the right to know the real state of wow and not be confused by believers and in denial players