Is RP dying out?

I left Argent Dawn at the start of Dragonflight, to get more into WPvP, since WM is almost completely dead on RP servers… Even as Horde, there were no Alliance to fight…

But now yesterday, I came back to Argent Dawn and noticed that the amount of RPing going on, is maybe 1/3 of what it used to be… :open_mouth: On a Saturday evening…

I’m not talking “guild based RP events”, but open world RPing happening around Stormwind.

Was I just “unlucky” to go back to Argent Dawn on the ONE Saturday, where people weren’t in-game? Or has RP become this barren…? :sweat_smile:

Horde side, it’s dead.
I mean… At Ogrimmar.

And they still exist during SL but now…

Maybe with Guilds and events ?

On the Alliance side, it’s more living.

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Still a lot of RP to find. RPpvp, though, is dead.


Just unlucky. This weekend for example me and a friend walked to Ironforge from Loch Modan and on the way we met four or five groups of people, just on the road out in the world.

This week on Tuesday at the market in Dawn’s Blossom there was a good sixty+ people.

So yeah, you’ve just gotten really unlucky.

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It was also a month of many holidays, other then the Christmass and new years mostly everyone has, a lot of cultures in the EU region also have different family oriented holidays around the end of november and start of december.

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