Is Siesbarg the mount worth the suffering?

I have completed the entire quest chain for the mount Siesbarg, and I feel disappointed. This quest chain was, in one word, suffering. For those of you who don’t know, to get this single mount, you first have to kill the rare and get the quest item and then you have to farm 1500 chitin, then 1000 venom, and finally 500 blood, which drop from Nerubians. I killed so many spiders over and over again, and once I got it, I was kind of disappointed.

It looks good, but I have two personal issues:

  • The DF animations of wind do not work with the mount.
  • The mount flies at the same height as the normal spell bars.

This annoys me quite heavily, mainly because I like centered flying mounts that I can see when I fly.

For doing a quest chain that takes a lot of grinding, I hoped for at least working DF animations. This may be just me, but I wanted to bring this to your attention and warn people. You will suffer grinding this out.

To be honest it was extremely boring of a grind for this mount. I’m just glad I got it done before more of my braincells decided to fade away.

Now it’s onto farming 900 currency for the bee!

For mount collectors will be boring as hell to do, but it’s best to get them done and out the way with as soon as possible, so you don’t have to go back later to do them, when there isn’t as many groups to farm those items.

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The grind wasn’t that bad, a few hours for a mega cool mount.

If you’ve ever played games like Runescape, they’d laugh at you for thinking a few hours grind was painful.

I just stuck a TV show on and smashed up the mobs in follower dungeons.

Yeap that’s what I ended up doing. Rewatched Red Dwarf from when I was a kid :smiley:

May i suggest to halt the grind a bit? I’m sure once raid opens trash and bosses there will drop the quest items too, and we’ll farm the raid for quite a while till s2 prob, no need to force yourself stuck in a small cave

You got an entire expansion to accumulate the mats passively from other activities…

But they want it now so they can make a thread and blame blizzard that there is nothing left to do. And for what just so they can show it off and feel like a special snowflake for a few days.

i mean its pretty easy to do , not really an achievement