is the dark lady a/the villain of the new shadowlands expansion?
how many Horde characters should die?
Why would we follow Thrall who cheated on Garosh fight and went on to live happily ever after?
Why Baine who wants to “negotiate” when the Horde is on a back foot in war is considered a hero?
now her story is being rewritten : legion was a plan? this war was a plan? everything was a plan?
sad sad level of storytelling.
now they take us back to her suicide from icecrown and make us a new story in which she made a bargain with this jailor guy lol
sad sad blizz very sad
i wanna be sure if she is the villain because if she is i won’t be part of this treachery as i wasn’t when the Horde killed their warchief Garrosh.
Okay… but do you want fries with that or… ?
- Because she’s always been a villain
- Garrosh killed his own people, wanted to purge the Horde of ‘lesser races’ and used the power of an Old God. Anybody in their sane mind would do anything to kill someone like this, so who cares if he ‘cheated’? Garrosh had to be stopped.
- Because it takes a Hero to stand up against someone like Sylvanas. She was a sickness, a parasite feeding on the Horde that just wanted as many dead as possible.
- That’s how you write a good story. Things don’t just “suddenly happen”, but now we see a story arc, development. A long plan comes to fruition in Shadowlands.
I think this discussion is better suited for the Story part of the Lore forums.
Dunno if dead queen lady is bad yet… but it worked out for Martok… They kicked him out of the Shadowlands as soon as the portal opened up!
•She has NOT “always” been a villain. till the end of the Arthas story she was great. then felt the emptiness etc. but afterwards looked as horde as a family. so this treachery doesnt even make sense.
•Garosh did everything he did for the Horde.
•Baine is everything but a hero. He didn’t stand up against the Lady he just went behind her back and betrayed her.
• That’s how you make things up and try to make motives for the explain previous actions in the story which is more like a joke. Sylvanas died and was brought back by arthas. she was full of revenge. she jumped off ice crown after Arthas’s death. She DID NOT make any bargain with anyone when he died though. she has been a victim of LK’s actions. the only possible reason for her to go to shadowlands would be to bring back her old self and become an elf ranger again. or to use the army of the dead and some lost ones to defeat the old god.
it feels like the same joke they made when Illidan cane back to life. I had seen him fall i saw Maeiv despair when he fell. She felt empty and went away. yet blizzfart brought him back.
This time the Banshee Queen turns bad and they will rewrite all the background to support this retardness.
She was not bad at any point during the story of WC.
oh btw. Thrall cheated and as every moron character says these says:”there’s no honor in this”.
who cares if Thrall cheated??? but everyone cares when the warchief of the horde wants to push the limita to destroy Alliance scum and shouts “ there’s no honor in this”
There’s no honor in this blizzard
Taking the interview route here:
Q: Is the dark lady a/the villain of the new shadowlands expansion?
A: Yes, one of a handful to be sure. She’s always been bad news and nakedly so. Being surprised at such a turn of events boggles the mind!
Q: How many Horde characters should die?
A: As many as the narrative requires, same with the Alliance and even then a dramatic sacrifice can probably be reversed in the realm of death. Expect a questline along these lines.
Q: Why would we follow Thrall who cheated on Garosh fight and went on to live happily ever after?
A: Thrall did not “cheat”. The mak’gora is a duel of honour with rules that aren’t set in stone. Thrall won. Sylvanas won her mak’gora too. Duels of honour are stupid anyway because honour has never been defined beyond a vauge correctness of cause and action. Settling it by combat proves nothing. Why follow Thrall? He’s certainly the better option with a basic concept of empathy and decency.
Q: Why (does?) Baine who wants to “negotiate” when the Horde is on a back foot in war is considered a hero?
A: For standing against tyranny. Negotiating when you’re losing isn’t a bad thing either.
Q? Now her story is being rewritten : legion was a plan? this war was a plan? everything was a plan?
A: Yes, she was always a conniving character using her allies and spending lives to her own ends even in life, the Forsaken as a whole being part of the Horde out of convenience, stated even on your character creation screen.
Sylvanas plots and uses people, thinking of those around her as nothing but game pieces on a board and expendable animals. Arrows in her quiver, a bulwark against the infinite. Water is also wet. This is the stated and obvious nature of her story.
Caveat: they may still Illidan her into being Right All Along in her egomania, callous sacrifices and end goals providing the ultimate desired good outcome.
Personally, I would expect it as a subversion, Sylvanas revealing her true plan, doing good by evil but is then dramatically proven wrong Xe’ra style.
I don’t know if Sylvanas is bad, but I am pretty sure she is not a guy.
Yes. Only bad guys commit genocide. She’s been a villain since Cataclysm.
Or you know, since vanilla when she and the Forsaken, were literally said in all their lore to be plotting the extermination of all life with a new plague. An endeavour you can play through in WoW classic.
Well, take Warlords of Draenor for example. We thought Iron Horde is the enemy and Iron Horde thought Azerothians are the enemy but it turned that Legion is the enemy.
Sylvanas has been constantly telling us that she has planned things out. The more I read your post and post like this, I think this is trolling on purpose.
The official writer for Sylvanas stated in an interview that she has been always this cunning, even when she was a former Helf. She is still “in character”. What screwed her up was the realization what death would mean for her (Shadowlands, maw) which is why she does the things she does now.
Christie Golden is just a crap, biased writer who doesn’t understand any of the original characters.
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