Is that it?

Is this it ? Is that all there is to SoD ?

  • Some runes
  • 1 raid

Are you never gonna change anything else ?

  • No new dungeon
  • No second raid
  • No changes to existing gear
  • No talent changes
  • No GCD fixes
  • No quality of life improvements
  • No new fast travel (ex:Orgri>TB)
  • No new quests (except for runes)

Not saying you don’t know these things or that SoD is bad, but I hoped you could add just a bit more to make it even better. I know for talent changes you already used the excuse that since it’s on the same client as hardcore you can’t do anything. Hoping you are not gonna use this excuse to not change anything else, would be sad cause SoD could be really good.


They posted notes about this not even 2 days ago:

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It’s only phase 1 jeez can’t you just … you know … wait ?

Dude the servs came out 4 days ago and you guys are already crying because “me want more and NOWWWWWW” …

they already teased out many things man just wait …


Game came out like 2 days ago. Had a guy join my guild on SOD who was already 25 yesterday and had farmed dungeons like 10-20x each already, he got into an argument with someone and left the guild flaming it for being “slow”.

Like some people need to get a grip on reality, a job, a social life with it too. If you’re already level 25 and bored, I dunno what to tell you. We don’t need to be sitting here worrying about “what’s next”, we still have people in our community who are going to play and haven’t started yet.


New builds viable, new gear, new pvp event, a lot of new abilities. And this is phase 1 which they will take into account looking into the new phases.

People can’t ever be happy I guess

You didn’t play season of mastery did you?

I played SoM. No I am not even 25 yet on SoD, I have a job. No I am not complaining. Just asking if anything else is gonna be added. I am curious about SoD and want Blizzard to do their best cause I know it can become really good. Been waiting for a classic+ experience, y’know.

I’m level 15 and already can’t bring myself to level further.
I’m fairly disappointed by SoD so far.
Just feels like I’m leveling another character on ERA , but without the gold bags and gear I could’ve bought my character on Firemaw.
Feels like a fresh server , with a lvl 25 cap.

The “changes” have been pretty underwhelming to me to say the least.
That’s just my personal feelings about it.

And completely different/new poweful class abilities, Rogue, Paladin, Druid, Shaman, Warlock tanks, Mage healers, Windfury on Alliance and a BFD raid with new loot.

But other than that, yeah this is WoW Classic Vanilla.

Is that it mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster?

Maybe I lost the lottery when I decided to go rogue then, cause so far the only “new powerful class abilities” I got is the Shadowstrike from retail, and the ranged Kidney shot from Legion.

They did add a lot of new gear.

Why change talents when runes are added?

False, mailbox being able to send multiple items, the entire modern game UI and various other QoL changes are already in place.

The wind rider isn’t fast enough? Use your hearthstone then, or ask a Warlock to summon you. The point of classic is to have a vibrant world full of players instead of a max-level jetset teleporting between capital cities and raids, leaving the world empty. Do you want people to be out in the world to buff or res you? To WPvP with? Yes? You want an empty world? No? Then get out there.

Do you even WPvP in Ashenvale?

I don’t get it, you have always been able to send multiple items, 12 at once.

I haven’t seen any yet.

@Gozaran - You’ve been sending single items all this time in classic? lol

Back in OG vanilla you had to send them one at a time. Not to mention the 2500 player caps and 40 different servers almost guaranteeing that if you met someone from your city who played WoW, they played on a different server.

People who joined for the first time in 2019 aren’t aware how much more scuffed and janky the game was back in 2004-2006. There are probably over 100 QoL changes already, yet people are acting like they aren’t there.

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Also a new faction with worthless rewards.

A week of content in total if you dont rush

What about WPvP?

No idea. I dont do pvp since wotlk. Its a waste of time

Even people who dislike the 1 on 1 ganking and griefing can get a rush and join in when it’s 50v50 battles with armies chasing eachother all around a zone. There’s nothing like it. Even if you don’t like PvP, try to experience a massive battle like that at least once. It’s one of the most epic experiences ingame, you haven’t Crafted War until you’ve done mass WPvP.

Crusader Strike (RP-PVP EU) had a massive battle recently in Redridge between two guilds: the Kor Kron and the Silver Hand. People were posting about it for hours afterwards. There were level 11 players joining, helping out and getting honorable kills too.

All of that is just examples of what all is additionally locked right now. All of that content is vanilla content. I’d hope they put in some more new raids, a few new dungeons, and actually take a look at class design beyond adding some runes and calling it a day.

Thats a PVE event. You kill mobs and get rep for it (if it doesn’t bug). If you actually pvp in that event, not only do you not get any reward, there are no mechanics for it beyond ganking people in an open world zone.