Is that really all the horde had tonight?

Shiv stop being a negative little nancy and be happy Defias actually got some WPVP action for once.
Maybe you should have joined in


If you’re in a raid you cant enter RFC we did what was best at the current time for us as our healers was oom no way of drinking with guards and we killed you guy 4v7ish plenty of times even though the guards was hitting more thannthe average horde dps.

Don’t worry we still had lots of fun last night :3 :heart::heart:

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Wasn’t complaining and maybe I did join in :wink:

Well since we was in org for going on 6 hours last night and we fought alot of different groups of people you was just one of the many that got caught in the crossfire.

Aww Dastin, I’m disappointed you deleted your comment. Let me guess, it was something very witty and complimentary towards me?

Tacto, I’ve told you. If you want to make these kind of accusations, show proof or even better, come from behind your keyboard and say it to my face.

Do you know what calling someone a nonce can do to their life? I would rearrange your face if you said it in front of me.

For anyone wondering where this has come from, this troll wannabe is using a twisting of words from Power word fabulous, honor level 500+ guild (endosrsed by asmongold) - #39 by Eggs-outland

I’ve reported the post anyway, so you can take another break. Enjoy.

I remember Tacto from many many years ago.

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I think you need to calm down shiv, inciting violence will get you nowhere.

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This is terrible news, i check the forum and all i find is people threatening to injure people irl. I for one am appalled.

Please stop this shiv. We all know you couldn’t really do it, this isn’t facebook.


Man, I got banned for saying some guild was worse than dark saints and look at all this stuff here!

bet some gm plays on our server and loves me


Man you need to chill, how can you be so angry for so long? If you seriously hate people that much why even type??
Stress relief??

Anyway I’ve reported YOUR post for trying to be edgy and threatening him IRL.

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Reavan you little pleb, who asked for your opinion. Jumped up little rat. I know you have no friends irl and that’s why you’re on WOW doing arena on New Years Eve but, c’mon, making friends here isn’t real. No matter how much you dick ride the No sub, but can post on forum crew. All these people looking for their 5 min of fame. Nomads.


Eggs? Who are you exactly? Are you another fanboy? Here, have a reply. You can now happily go throw one over the thumb in your mum’s basement.


Nice to see you again Reavan, hopefully will see you about in classic!

Shiv you have seemed to have gotten quite angry over the last few years, may be a good idea for you to take a step back from the game and go outside once and a while and make some new friends … but please, only make friends with adults ok?


Woah there sunshine, there is no need to be upset.

Mums basement is such an old insult, but what can you expect from someone who signs off their posts because they cant even remember their own name.


This thread is becoming rather spicy I must say. Not sure what is even going on to be honest how on earth it turned from someone posting a video of horde fighting in boralus to a shiv post thread.

Either way it’s fun to read. c:

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If some of the people in this thread put the same effort into fighting in-game as they did threatening to fight IRL, this realm would be perfect.


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Sad to see all those rats roaming around unharmed. Shame it is.

I’ll send the pest control your way.

Thanks for all the replies guys. I was banned from the forum until 6pm (harsh), so I couldn’t thank you sooner.
Keep obsessing, keep stalking and keep on jumping on every post I make.
I once knew a Shadow Priest that used to be the same. I forget the name…

Say NO to drama.