Is the cheating worse this season?

The restrictions I am talking about is " Account Sharing " which is … at least frowned upon if not completely against the TOS. I know there is a parent / guardian clause which allows account sharing in some capacity or other.

But certainly not for a paid boosting service, where a pro-gamer would get you as many wins as you paid for.

admittedly this was a poor choice of words, my only point was to, point out that when the names switched to non-english characters and a slightly italic font, I would have a gut-feeling this game would not go well for us… and I was almost always right. That’s not to say all Russians are providing boosting services for WoW players, but certainly at least some are.

I know and understand it’s not just one country doing this, in fact you can just google “WoW boost” and find at least a dozen sites all making at least enough money to keep their websites running.

Finally if you want to deny the pandemic of cheating (account sharing) and paid boosting services, that is your right.

I was wrong to paint all Russians as cheaters, I apologise for that. I based my comments on my experiences. I know there are some people who can not even turn a PC on… I’m obviously not talking about them, the broad sweeping statement was a mistake I regret.


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People also ask

Is WoW boosting legal?

Selling in-game items and services such as carries or boosting for real money is not allowed. Selling items and services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel.

To name but a few, I’ve removed the url’s but they are easy to find… if you look…

EDIT: Removed names of services

Everything you are mentioning above just seems like a false accusation. Can you prove that they are account sharing? I personally doubt.
Other than that paying for a boost unfortunately is legal/allowed and you probably can’t even prove that. The fact that you have no idea how BGs work or you probably have no idea that russian servers existed according to a nonsense you typed above means that you just blame others for your loses.

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