Is the faction you are in preferred for teammates in Blitz?

I’m horde and 5 out of 7 of my teammates are horde and only two allys. Does it prefer your faction? If so, I’m gonna change faction cause horde pvp players are really really bad. No gear, no brain.

Simple answer: No. It doesn’t take your faction into account. Changing factions won’t change a thing.

Then, I guess it’s bad luck for me. Oh well…

have considered yourself to be the problem?

I did, and the answer is no. I’m playing the bg mechanics and have a lot of healing output. I’m always at bases or at efc or at own fc. CC’ing and dispelling everything I can. What can I do more? I even ninja tap bases sometimes, if thats possible in that situation.

Taking a reliable friend with you who plays dps and prioritizes objectives over pointless fighting could be an option.

Sadly, I don’t have someone to play PvP with.

Now, the servers went down in the middle of Blitz. I expect -200 rating and being stuck in elo hell for ever.