Is the population decent here?

I’m thinking about rolling alliance on this server because…well, all the other pvp servers are way too horde heavy.

Just one question: would you say that this is a big enough server for it to be healthy in the long term? I’m not asking for a super big pop, but still something decent (although it may be hard to say what is and isn’t big with layers)

I have no idea how to determine that, but there were queues sometimes. I think that there are more than enough people right now, but who knows about future.

Yes it’s big enough and /world is active even at night time. But think twice because this is a RP realm.

Decent population? Well, I saw this naked night el… Oh, decent as in size-wise.

It’s pretty busy around here. I think the population will shrink after the novelty of classic wears off but this realm is the only RP-PvP realm so I guess that will aid in its longevity.


IDK about pop balance but i can tell you allys seriously outnumbered the Horde in STV tonight, was terrifying.

I enjoyed it, being out numbered is the best imo. Being able to get kills with 2/3 or more Alliance on you is more satisfying than winning 1v1 to me.

Yes, great battles and good community.


Seems to be fairly balanced.

[Horde 48% - 52% Alliance] according to the latest realm population data.


As Cromlok says, our server is quite balanced, so adding more hordes to the server will make the pyre shine more

Purge the infidels, for honor and the Alliance!

This is one of more populated servers and faction balance is roughly equal. Might be more alliance currently at higher levels though.

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If you want Alliance heavy realm join this. I don’t recommend Firemaw, Golemagg,Gehennas or Shazzrah at all as Alliance player.