Doesn’t it have sharding as well?
Yes, but it won’t phase 2 people talking to each other out.
Basically, will give you a warning when they’re closing a shard down and ask if you want to be moved to a more popular shard.
I’ll defer to the person above me. I… Actually don’t know what “sharding” means
The easiest way to explain sharding is to say that there are multiple copies of the same area in order to lighten server load.
Jimmy tries to enter Revendreth, but Revendreth has a lot of people into it. So he’s moved into a different “shard” of Revendreth which other players also funnel into until that shard hits max capacity.
Basically when you go into a popular area and there’s 3 versions of that area to help with congestion (in FF)
Ahh, right. Noted, thank you! But yeah, it’s absolutely true then. Especially on expac launches or major patches; They tend to split areas where they expect heavy congestion into 3 separate instances so folks can still actually play.
WoW also does this, but you do not get a choice in phase.
So you could be RPing with somebody in a heavy congestion zone only to find your partner gets phased out as they are transported to a different shard (or you are).
Caused a lot of problems in Stormwind a while back.
As someone who does play FF there’s absolutely a deep fakeness to the image the community likes to build of itself that I haven’t seen since guild wars 2’s haydays, though I wouldn’t say Yoshi P has anything to do with it. God help you if you’re critical of the game though.
In the end it’s much the same story as ever: feefo’s players try to pretend their playerbase is so much nicer while in reality it’s not really any different from any other MMO’s playerbase.
Ok, fair one.
I must be lucky, in that the FF players I know/watch are fairly balanced about it all. There is a lot of positivity, but given how, y’know, the lore isn’t a hot steaming mess, the gameplay and options keep people happy apparently, that’s understandable.
Coupled with the aforementioned ‘why is X dungeon such a chore?’, criticism of the housing plot auction stuff, etc to balance out.
Opinion disregarded. Moving on.
So if I did play FF, opinion disregarded.
As I don’t play it… opinion disregarded.
Cool, good talk.
Its a very different kind of toxic.
Still toxic though mind.
I often compare it to high school mean girls.
Watching them get flustered when I tell them to go do one always brings me joy.
I don’t think it strictly speaking “can” be in the same way that it can be for Warcraft. All numbered titles are generally supposed to be their own universes, etc. With the exception of SOME similarities and references between all of them.
FF14 does have times where, instead of legit 14, it feels like all-of-them-so-far. For better or for worse.
This one can be summed up by the ilvl sync creeping up on some of the more tedious ones, or sometimes they take 10 mins longer than they need too because some poor soul believes Ice Mage is a real, valid thing. (For comparison context, pretend a Frost Mage did literally nothing else ever but spam Ice Lance.)
The housing stuff is another can of worms entirely. But I will say that I personally think it should’ve been more or less as exclusive as it was at launch. Several housing wards are ghost towns now because everyone and their mother just had to have a house. (That provides no practical benefit anyway) But that’s just me tbh.
But otherwise I’m fairly sure I belong in the neutral camp. It gives me things WoW can’t, and WoW gives me things it can’t. Atleast until Ashes of Creation. Both games could use more competition for sure.
But that’s exactly how frost mage works
Yeah the reference overload parts like f.ex the Ivalice raids do absolutely nothing for me and feel like they’re just objectively boring, but I’m sure it tickles someone who played the relevant feefo game in a different way.
Tbh all the interiors are instanced anyway, everyone should just be able to have one, simple as. At least the new island sanctuary works as a substitute for that ig
Feel free to roast me in 10 years if I’m wrong but there’s no way Ashes of Creation beats FF14 or even the corpse of WoW
The FF posters seem to live rent free in some forumites’ minds. Over the last few months there have barely been any FF posts outside of Pet peeve thread. And even there people have been discussing Dragon Age for what feels like a month now and other things too. Only with the launch of the most recent patch conversations started again, but even then the conversation doesn’t last for long.
But no, it’s still those gosh darn FF posters that ruin the AD forum.
Which is all but confirmed a likely scam at this point. Wasn’t their lead dev/project lead outed several times for shady things
Justified really, for a long time WoW lived rent free in some FF posters’ minds, very noticably so on these forums.
I’m sure it’ll do just as crazily good as lost ark and black desert and new world and and and
I have hope!
…For the moment!