Primals ftw
Rak’tika Greatwood theme, mmm.
Almost as if they want to cling on to a game they’ve invested too much time into to truly let go
If they don’t have forums I can sort of understand but just get a discord group or something lol
I like discussing FFXIV on the forums (like I enjoy discussing Dragon Age or various other games), but I do think it’s a bit counter-productive to use it as a point of reference in relation to WoW community discussions – I only did so here as a response to the people already doing so.
I mean you can play both.
I’ll admit I’m of a mixed opinion regarding the FFXIV talk. On one hand I’m like “At the very least make your own forumthread for it.” but on the other hand, I too have discussed other games in the pet peeve thread.
gets closed down and the OP gets banned.
Pet Peeves is just an AD General Discussion thread wearing a fake moustache and nose.
I’m right there too, kinda.
Like… I’m subbed to it and WoW still and play them both frequently. I don’t particularly feel like I need to sound my opinions off about FF unless it like, explicitly fits the convo.
Which is I think why I feel comfortable just quipping about other games in there, too. Feels like a bulletin board in the main hallway of some gathering place.
Literal best summary of that thread as well, this.
My personal experience would beg to differ. Since the great exodus of WoW players to Final Fantasy, I’ve had nothing but a pleasant experience with this game.
Perhaps the lovely community I roleplay with has something to do with it, or perhaps not.
But like I said in my original post, I’m sure the two aren’t related at all. Perhaps a man other than myself would make that assumption. But me?! I’d never!
Up until Slands, same.
Even through BFA, I was subbed to both.
I’m also looking forward to DF.
They both just bring different things to the table for me.
Aye, I seek very different things in the two games.
Like I only ever either RP, level, or collect mogs in WoW, which I continued doing through SL too (maybe less so the second one).
Big agree for DF, I’m liking a lot of the things I tried out in the alpha.
I do all of these in both.
But i can’t play a catboy or a dragon-girl (at least for a moment for the last one) in WoW and I can’t play my frankly baller Zandalari trolls in FF.
Just depends on my mood.
But I can admit that my fire to play WoW has been dampened by Slands.
I am hopeful for DF and can’t wait to play my new dragon-girl.
Sounds like someone got a slap on the wrist for an overly edgy joke that offended someone. Because you know actually on FF14 abusive content gets acted on - unlike WoW where you have literal predators engaging with underage players for years, bragging about it and taunting others that they can’t do anything about their weird relationship.
A weird set of pearls to clutch but like it was mentioned earlier on, some people have too much time invested to let go.
… Ok, can someone else translate this, because it makes literally no sense?
You did actually read the part where I said I don’t play FF, right? And was commenting on how some people seem to need to concoct weird, headcanon reasons that FF gets positive comments and WoW doesn’t, in general?
Do bad thing on FF14 - person get banned.
Do bad thing on WoW - person gets off free, or worse, they manage to paint themselves as the victim.
Oh, right right.
Sorry, I thought the ‘someone got wrist slapped’ was aimed at me that’s my bad.
No, I promise. The sheep are so utterly brainwashed into thinking it’s perfection, that even VALID criticism towards design or development choices tend to get vilified.
If WoW’s “issue” is the toxic elitists and the general bitterness about near enough everything, then FF takes that to the opposite. The toxic casuals (You don’t pay my sub crowd) can’t be ignored and shunned there as they can be here.
Even these forums, for example. People are free to debate, and it can sometimes get somewhat heated even, but free debate regardless. Any slight sense of that on the FF forums and they’ll just ban you outright.
Which wouldn’t be an issue in and of itself. Timeout from the forums never killed anyone. But forum bans get you banned from the actual game too. And if your way of talking, generally being suspicious and doubtful and “jaded” means you don’t deserve to play a game? Then you’re not even going to have any discourse at all.
You have the sheep spouting their hivemind stuff, as they do, but nobody is ever going to even objectively point out where they’re wrong and why they’re silly for thinking the way they do, because “NEGATIVITY!? CRITICISM!? HOW DARE YOU!”
THAT is what ‘forced positivity’ refers to.
No dedicated RP servers means there’s never really a time and place to do it.
Firm ban on all addons means there’s not really some helpful tools to do it with either.
I’m sure it works, but it’s WAY more Bubble-y than I daresay WoW ever was.
For all intens and purposes, my character is Garlean!
…And then you have the guys who “RP’s as WoL” which… You know… Sensible people just ignore.
(Context for some other soul: WoL is basically the player char itself. Gorged with divine power and plot armor and immortal and immaculate. A well and true mary-sue.)
This is probably the most mature way to view it tbh. This community feels WAY less stuck up and generally more chill. And I suppose I missed the RP scene too. What this cannot provide, the other can. For now anyway.
Personal experience here being that the “Bad Thing” was memeing with Ungarmax in a 4 man dungeon and then, along with the 150 or so other brave souls that dared to go there, sharing how it made the dungeon grind actually entertaining again, because of how silly it was.
But you know how it goes, hmm? Fun detected? Naah…
That ‘firm ban’ prevents precisely nobody from installing & using mods.
Cries in Playstation
But no. Addon support because the official no-no stance means there’s never going to me as much availability as WoW has by comparison.
That said, did you see the DSW world first crowd? Guys actually uploaded their clear with addons in full view. Fairly sure they got a month and then some for it.