Is there a DH player that you’ve respected for how he plays?

Literally no one. If i see a “good” DH (fuseton/tren for example) I think of them as nothing. No one special just a abusing DH player who feeds with every other class. There is a reason Tren didn’t win the 2s tourney.
Raiku DH is the only one who i can respect somewhat because I know how good he acts as Mage but that’s the only expection.

Class should be perma deleted and you’d never see famous DH names again


Why’re you not posting on your classic alt?

Because that’s not him lol

It’s his evil twin brother kappa

Yeah it ain’t him I’m pretty sure the other cutie made it clear

wait… it isn’t?



Huh… I thought it’s him.

The only DHs I respect are Raiku and Trill, but funnily enough I respect them for being really good at other classes, not for their DH play lol. Except for early BFA/Legion when DH wasnt played much, those 2 guys destroyed on DH

Wasn’t boomkin/DH considered one of the best comps in BFA S1?

It was (or was close to) the best comp, actually.

i would rather praise a DH and DK than a rogue or a mage… remember, 13 years straight of domination, it’s not because of their so-called mad skill or the so-called highest skill cap class, please… how ever even believe that stuff ? there are the root cause of all these bullsh*t since vanilla.

  • Every hero class added in pvp have been designed to deal against them… from DK to DH, because they’re the most overtuned.

So you either reroll rogue/mage or you get slow/manabruned etc…

Are you a DK or a DH main?

Imagine being so worked up against Rogue/Mage that you end up saying DH is more subject to praise. Sad life indeed.

Sure, worked up… because the mountain of complain over DH and DK is not being worked up.

All im a seeing is 13 years straight pvp domination versus 2 or 3 years “domination” but for some reasons the 13 years domination fall into the “skill” label. Somehow when you make these class, your IQ increase by +150 and you start dominating easy mode… curious case.
DH who has only been one of the many response for the ridiculous bs rogue and mage have always been.

Yes, i would rather praise DH over Rogue or Mage no matter how retarded they are… since the game is at a sh*t state i would rather watch blizz buff these two classes… I want the game to just be a proliferation of Rogue/mage at one side and DH, DK, Monk to the other… so that you can all show us how over-technical-skill-bla bla you all are. :slight_smile:

why ? because im “sick” of rogue/mage farming pvp since BC ?
i dont even play melee…

Excluding Assa in BfA and current Mage tankiness we can safely say that playing RMP or RPS or Thug Cleave or Godcomp or even current Sub/X/X requires much more coordination and requires to be much more subtle than a class that can’t ever be kitted, heals on dmg dome, dodges 1s out of 6s of enemy melee uptime with a rotational ability, sucks mana, has a 1min CD def, can not only dispel hostile magic effects but also inflict the caster with it, has a team wall, has an offensive purge that is free and GENERATES resources, and can dash from kalimdor to azeroth within 3 gcds, all of that while stunning on triple dr just because it doesn’t even matter.

Try dring ONE kidney before a go as sub and see where it leads. Or one poly as frost mage just before it’s off dr again. Just as a means of comparison.

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