Is there a DH player that you’ve respected for how he plays?

Seeing as demon hunters are currently one of the most hated classes if not THE most hated class by the community, i’m quite curious if you guys ever stumbled upon a dh that impressed you by actually using his cds and his kit smartly by showing that he’s well knowledgeable of the game instead of just mongoing people down with his super op class and getting rating/kills without knowing what’s happening.

So yeah i would like to know if you had some respect to a dh by how he plays and his outplay potential, and made you look past his broken class. And if you didn’t meet any yet, then by all means, do say it. I just want you to be honest.

Thank you all for reading and putting the time to reply :slight_smile:

Not so far. There are a few good players playing this class (some maining, some just from time to time (like Raiku)), but haven’t seen anything so far where I thought “Wow, that was a sick play!”, at least not DH specific!

The class is made to be easy. Just like Jim Raynor in HoTs.


Tren probably?

No. Demon Hunter is a 3 button class and every monkey can fel rush when the enemy pops cds.


Maybe if they got rid of their op ss damage and leech I’d probably not /spit on them but that’ll never happen


Raiku? I mean wouldnt be mad losing to him cause just machine aint he

Yesterday I did some 3s with friends and dh’s did more Self-healing than me on my spriest.
Can you imagine xD


Unfortunately I can imagine that :joy:


A few I can say I can respect really. Mostly the ones that slow me once they realise I can get out of their mana rift easily by playing relentless (unless they double stun me).

Otherwise, there’s really very little I find a DH can do against my class. Be quick to dispel divine favor so I don’t put a glimmer up for them to dispel instead? Reverse magic my stun in crucial moments? That’s all I can think of.

I was impressed when a dh leaped to the air and let me chain-cast greater pyros. That was one 200 iq play.


NO they are all playing at +900 rating to what they should be by playing this braindead class.

I was impressed in Legion when I saw DH players use Blade Dance in an attempt to dodge stuff instead of using it on cooldown.

If DH had 0 leech and Blade Dance wasn’t part of the rotation I wouldn’t mind them tbh.


completely agree with this

No, never, it’s like respecting a rogue for sapping you 3 times before attacking you


Thing is, class does not have outplay potential. Rember back in tbc, or wotlk you could pull miracles 2vs1 or in general, the gameplay.

Sadly, in Bfa that’s non existant. Not only for DH but for overall classes.

Everything came to spam cc, do dps, or do dps and win on mana. Or if it’s rmx kill in kidney. Sums it up bougt right.

Ofc there is general knowledge of the game but in general, game has gotten easier. Nowdays it’s all about proper stats , proper manging of cds and you’ve guessed it? Gear.

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Coronao I’m pretty impressed by


+1 Multi-challenger Coronao.


Honestly couldn’t tell. Since such a thing as blade dance is part of the damage rotation it’s impossible for me to know if a dh just deliberately dodged a stun or if they just got lucky.

Not sure what else they could show off with.

Interesting opinions guys! Keep em coming :slight_smile: Also interested in your experiences facing certain skilled dhs.