Is there a reason why alliance currently lose 100% of epic battlegrounds now?

Can’t win a single ‘epic’ battleground on my holy paladin alt, Lost my last 6 back to back.

Even tried to do the fragment quest in Ashran and the horde had already killed the quest giver before i got back, Like when did this faction start to suck so hard ? have they given horde a head start to balance out the numbers or something ? like whats changed ?

Because i play for the horde =]

But to be honest, same thing with the horde.
Some days we win a lot, some days we lose everything.

AV and Ashran are the best games to play.
Everyone lease after losing the first fight in IoC and WG ~_~

since human pvp trinket was nerfed most of ppl swaped horde

Didnt they nerf wotf and the orc racial too though ? Or do the still get 20% less stun duration ?

cuz alliance sux ? :smiley:

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