Is there a unbeatable class/spec 1v1?

guardian druids, disc priests use to be a pain to deal with, but witch spec/class combo do you consider unbeatable 1v1, duels or open world ganking?


That you can’t find, can escape or dodge most of the battles - rogue.


Any hybrid with reliably freedom utility/healing. Monk, feral, retri if their not versus stealthers.

Any feral or monk who loses a 1 vs 1 are simply just bad when theres a pillar in the equation.


rogues, feral, ww
those are the 1v1 gods probably…

although ww and feral involves running away healing to full and attack again. Not exactly fun but works.

BUT feral and ww will probably never kill a healer. Rogues maybe COULD kill a healer of the span of 10 minutes.

Actually my number 1 spot of 1v1 gods goes currently to holy pala :expressionless:


Dh with versa corruption combined with leech coruption no1 can beat it 1v1.


In Open World only. In arena or BG your leech is nerfed. In Open world u have X leech, instanced u have 0.4X leech


Not realy i still can not forget the dh i fought in bg on my main we were 4 dps on him and yes dh was havoc, it was not possible to kill that dh no matter what, Even full Hoj was not effective as he healed back after quckly and i checked armory after and dh had this weird combo of versa+leech gear on.LIke few versa corruptions+few leech corruptions+gear pieces with actual leech stat in almost every possible slot.No matter how good you are you aint beating that 1v1.


Goodgeared shadow priest and goodgeared dh.

Shadowpriest is tier 1, im glad they are rare.


Play the 2 button class called dh. Equip full heirlooms and let blizztards most broken class and scaling carry u to victory.

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Rofl … :rofl: :rofl:
i can name you like 150 classes that mops the floor with you in 1v1 world pvp as sp…

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Updated opinions on 1 vs 1 specs in SL Pre-patch: imho this is.
S: Tanks, Shadow priest, druid (any spec), ww monk, sub rogue, retri pala, ele shaman, unholy dk (?)
A: Fury warrior, mage (any spec), demon hunter havoc, survival hunter/bm hunter, affli lock, destro lock, restoration shaman, assa rogue
B:Arms warrior, Marksmanship hunter, frost dk, demo lock, outlaw rogue, disc priest (?)
Not worth mentioning: the rest

no particular order in each list/tier.


Arcane Mage is definately S tier as he farms your S tier Ret and any other melee as well. I only attack high hp lvl50 in warmode solo. Some try fight back a bit, but its no use. Those with dispels are more trouble as they could remove alter time that i could spam with just 30 sec cd. Chronoshift is the equalizer, speed buff and slow debuf in one standards attack ability.

It gets more fun at the Beta servers, actually blizz buffed frost mage to insane levels might be the new S tier once past prepatch, if that does not get reverted like conduits that buff ice lance to do a lot more dmg, reducing iceblock cd and giving hp back for about 133% or more, actually negating ms effects.

If blizz is serous, i might rather switch to frost, but arcane is definately dominating everything in wpvp solo right now. Even if a lock/spriest is coming at you you can simply outrun them with ease they are VERY slow while you are insanely fast with greater invisibility.

What made you write ret here as S tier, btw? His execute dmg? Offheals? Still a kite victim, he is only S tier to other melees with low mobility. Even locks got a powerful slow now that is totally spamable and teleport baseline.

btw, i think frost dk is Z tier, should have his own category, that is until scourge event is out, when that happens he uses control undead on elites and crushes everyone in warmode - like in SL. I love how that ability just flys under everyones radar.

Cause under the hands of a good player it performs very well in all areas + the ability to deny purging of HoF, no parameters were given in terms of what the surrounding area would consist of and this was just secondly, just my honest opinion. I’ve been ferociously messing around during the pre-patch with open world pvp especially, mostly seeking the 1 vs 1 game play which I so crave the most of.

I would of given mage higher personally but I’ve had no success as arcane or frost (not tried fire but had no problem slaying it either as priest, rogue, druid, bm hunter or prot pala) since a lot of hybrids and other classes from that “tier” have a lot of shut down for mage as a whole.

as said, most of it is just my opinion, if its a open field with no conditions + lay on hands not being banned ret can easily out-last a lot of classes since their healing like many hybrid classes during pre-patch is bonkers good.

and unholy just does mad burst, I think their honestly one of the scariest classes rn which don’t have any form of mana bar.

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I know one, the problem is that it is a secret class/spec called GM that makes you invulnerable with a /kill command and items that can kill anything anywhere.

the problem is that getting that class also means that you can’t use its powers else you get in trouble with Blizzard(either you loss your account or your job).

but it is unbeatable from level 1

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