Is there a way to remove some of these?

I dont need PTS nor “Americas & Oceania” and “WoW 1”

Only the starter edition. They will not remove others.
Interesting they let you make a new account with the same bnet account when they’ve banned one… :thinking:

why do u make a new account on a bnet that has been banned before.

Achieve points? Mounts? Looms?

Dunno why u been banned but talking from own xp you will get a ban or a
susp sooner now since u been banned before.

I dont lose anything. Maybe because my Starter Edition is still active. I was banned because I said something about Russia and Putin in Epic BGs… and it was Russian premade in my group. They mass-reported me.

I just subscribed again and now “WoW 3” appeared. Its in the same acc. “WoW 1” is banned and cant play with it.

But I want to remove WoW 1 cuz I have to choose which WoW 1 2 or 3 to use everytime when I start WoW.

Basically just PTR and a starter if it’s had no money spent on it.

Is that because you bypass using bnet? That’s the only way I can think you could have this issue as mine is always set to what I left it at. Otherwise it must be a setting.