Is there any advantage to maining a pure dps class right now?

As a general atlaholic I tend to level all the classes to the max, but I really hesitate to ever main a pure dps class.
Being a pure dps class means that one has to compete for the most saturated role with no alternative.
Meanwhile a hybrid class can always opt for one or both of the other two roles and tank or dps (tanks are really hard to come by in delve groups from what I see)

In the past there was the so called “hybrid tax” which meant that the pure dps classes were doing more damage than the hybrids on a dps role.
As far as I know they got rid of the hybrid tax ages ago.

So is there any reason for one to main a pure dps role right now unless they really love that class over others?

imo you either main a pure dps class and get really good at it or you play one that can play multiple roles and pivot as needed.

Meta changes regularly and tuning happens alot so being able to pivot on the same class is probably a better idea than completely re-rolling.

It all depend on preferences. I usually play only the healer spec of a class, so i do not care about the other specs anyway.

When you play only dps you might have more choice on a pure dps class.

Strangely enough, for me, that’s always the number one reason for anything regarding gaming.

Playing a DPS class is so much less stress and responsibility than healing or tanking. And to me those are things I don’t want when I’m gaming.

for me the most unfun thing is not being able to play because I cannot be what fills the voids in groups.
So I guess I will have to gravitate to a hybrid as a main.

Or a Warlock if I was still doing raid pugs. Always invest on the lazyness of pug groups to fly into the raid

I don’t group much and when I do it’s mostly queued content, so it’s not really an issue for me. But I get where you’re coming from.

Always slight advantage in playing dps class with 3 dps specs. More likely one of them will be good than if play class with 1 dps spec.

Mage has always one avaible good specc, same goes for warlock.

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Rogue, mage, warlock, hunter for dps and priest for healer for holy/disc. Almost always something from them is good :dracthyr_a1:

No, there is no reason to main a pure dps class unless you love it at any moment in time, no matter if “meta” or not.

Play what you believe in, be it having fun or being 3% more efficient. (in the best of worlds :smiley: )

I don’t need a lecture thank you.
I answered the last sentence.
No need to overthink it. :weary:

The topic says “is there any advantage” emphasis on the word advantage. His given reasons what could be advantages, playing “what one likes most” is pretty obvious but means nothing on this case unless went into details explaining why it is an advantage.