Hey there. Short info about myself I played WoTLK to MoP and stopped with the WoW Killer Draenor back in the days.
Now my friendgroup and I came back for Cata. The nostalgia hits good and I am having a lot of fun so far with one HUGE issue.
There are so many fkng bots on my server it’s ridiculous.
I see a sh*tton of Dungeon Bots (PalaTanks Botanica Dungeon) but those were common back in the days aswell - not saying that’s fine but at least I know about them
The sheer amount of farming bots in the Cataclysm areas are abhorent.
Trying to max my herbalism is a challenge in itself - to even find flowers before a bot is so hard it’s laughable if it wouldn’t be so sad.
There are (at least) 8-12 Bots flying around 24/7 in Hyjal, Uldum and Twighlight Highlands to farm flowers to no end.
Is this on every server or was my choice of server just super unlucky?!
What happend? Is this normal? I thought New World was hot garbage bcus it was/is Bot riddled through and through
If this kind of stuff is the todays standard I won’t even farm gold to buy the tokens because the price gets artificially ramped up bcus of blizzards incompetence to ban them. I have waited over 2 months to see if something changes or they ban them in waves only to get dissapointed.
Now that I vented a bit I really wanna know if that is happening on every server?
In the time i wrote this post i reported 13 other bots farming in Twighlight Highlands by just sitting on one spot…