Is there anyways to report players for vote kicking without good reason?

I’m quiet tired of it. I die, because I don’t know the dungeon mechanics. They kick me.
I tell people to wait engage before my mana is replenished. They kick me.
I don’t know the way to the entrance of the dungeon. They kick me.
Sometimes I just get randomly kicked by a team for no reason.
I roll higher on an item I need for my class. They kick me.


Kicking players is supposed for players going AFK, trolling, grieving, etc. Not to kick anyone for everything you dislike.

On normal dungeons, it doesn’t matter… But when I do my heroics, I can’t do them anymore, because some group of players decided to kick me and I miss out on currency.

I can’t believe players are allowed to do that without any consequences for a game I’m paying for. They’re ruining my gaming experience with their obnoxious attitudes. It’s also Blizzard’s fault, since their system allows this.

If they want good players that know everything, then they shouldn’t use the group finder. It’s not a place for finding experienced players. They should make their own group in the LFG channel, this channel exists for this sole reason.

Is there anyway for me to report them?

Edit: Or atleast make it so that I still can do my heroic dungeon (except this allows this mechanics to be abused).


As you know here:

It’s allowed by the system to kick for any or no reason. The players then may decide in majority to kick or not. Utilising this is not against the game rules and cannot be reported for and neither will the debuff be removed as that is meant to counteract abuse that existed in the past.

If they did harass you in another way, lets say they insulted you in chat then you may seperately report them for that.

You may however fill in a suggestion ingame if you know of a better system or other ideas.

Well that sucks. Good to know that Blizzard allows toxicity to continue.


How about you take your own advice and form a group with other inexperienced players via LFG channel? I am sure there are others like you. You can then do heroics at your own pace with no fear of toxic players kicking you :wink:
Or better yet, join a guild and have them boost you.

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Not happening, since no inexperienced players use the LFG to form dungeon groups. The majority of the players that use the LFG channel are high level and experienced players who try to form custom groups for raids.

What you are suggesting is an elitist move and you’re implying “No noobs allowed”, which is kind of an unfriendly gesture and shows that you don’t have very good ethics. That’s my opinion though. The wink emoji makes it passive aggressive, which is even worse.

This is the kind of philosophy that Blizzards needs to combat IMO, since games like this should be for everyone and none should feel excluded, because some “experienced” players think they are high, mighty and deserve better.

I hate to burst your bubble, but just like Blizzard allows players to vote kick other players for no reason, dungeon finder will never be free of inexperienced players, until Blizzard does something against it.

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But it’s okay because the ‘pro-RDF’ crew used to tell me that random kicks never happen.

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Wotlk is over in few days and to this day i have no clue how most of dungeons work since there are actually close to no mechanics. In most cases bosses are npc with more hp and overall unless youre hard trolling its even hard to like 95% if wrath “dont Stand in fire” is all you need to know so your excuse is kinda weak.


But this is no excuse and what you’re saying it simply untrue. In a game where many things are happening at the same time and plenty stuff, including positioning, spells, buffs, debuffs, etc. It’s not easy at all and it can be quiet complex. You’re downplaying what’s required to know, because you’re comparing what you know to what other players should know.

Edit: TBH, this is going off-topic. All I wanted to know if vote kicking for no valid reason was reportable and it isn’t, so that’s something I have accepted. Blizzard is taking away “abuse” to enable “abuse”. It is what it is.

Well my friend it seems you get kicked a lot.
Might wanna take a good look in the mirror.

Personnaly the only time I get kicked is when I open it up and explain something to a big nooby with an ego problem.

I that you ?


Depends on what you mean by a lot. I have played this game since march, so I’d say… 5 times in the 3 - 4 days I play a week, isn’t that much. I’ve seen literally nearly every dungeon players vote kick players for the weirdest reasons. I always vote no, since I am not an, how do I put this delicately, unethical person, unlike a lot of players here that seem to have normalized that personality.

Instead of crying be happy they didn’t spam report you ez ban by the autoban system xD

That wouldn’t have pulled through if they did.

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Tbh i’m trying to use all my knowledge to find a boss where i could die and in wrath dungeons it’s simply not possible. Actually to be fair i did 1 dungeon recently and somehow mage in my group did 1k dps and i would Always take aggro from tank by pressing 1 corruption and then being afk. At that point i was tanking better than the tank and tbh everyone deserved kick (except me ofc).


Whats stopping you from playing a healer and not getting kicked?

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I always vote no on kicking players for failing mechanics, But sadly the vote requires TWO No votes.
On the other hand i rarely ever see people getting kicked for anything other than afking, 99% of the time people don’t care if you’re doing below tank damage.
I did have one shaman who was trying to kick every player who died to Ice on Utgarde Pinnacle.

LFD has been an absolute blessing, Limitless access to dungeons and players and gearing.
I’ve geared 4 characters from fresh 80 to full scourgestone gear and rarely ever saw people being kicked.
Thank god blizzard didn’t listen to you anti LFD crowd.

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You choose to waste peoples time and is surprise they kick you?

Why even do random dungeons at this point if all you do is that

1K damage seems low for a mage, but idk… I had plenty of times where other DPS took down monsters before I could cast my first spell. Never 1k damage, maybe like 20K in those situations, but since my arm upgrades, I usually place around 2nd/3rd most dps done.

Glaciate is obnoxious and the only mechanic I hate. Even more than mirror.

You’re referring to a single reason, but u don’t mention the others I talked about and waste? I just played dungeons where players didn’t mind, because they died themselves for plenty of times. It’s only the salty die hard players who kind of kick players and they often leave when a kick failed.

And yea right… I’m going to move aside for you. Take the left route instead.

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