Is there BG matchmaking to make you lose?

I’ve lost 10 BGs in a row, trying to do the first win of the day.

Yeah, I know, “git gud”, “ur the common link in them” etc etc posts

The probability of that is insanely low.

Is there some kind of matchmaking to make you likely to lose if you’re doing that first win, to make you play for longer?

i.e, being put in low average ilevel group, being grouped with few tanks and healers for AV/IoC, that kind of thing.

For reference, this doesn’t seem to happen in era, or retail.

Just unlucky I reckon. Sometimes in’s more about the time of day/holidays/weekend that you can see a drop in consistency, or some bots running late at night bgs maybe ?

Given the shaïtshow that cata launch is in terms of bugs I doubt the devs have the time to write that kind of code but who knows, trolls may have invaded Blizz headquarters and taken over…

Tbh, I it may have been like this in cata/mop/wod too

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