Is there going to happen something with Rogue before the start of the season?

Is there going to happen something with Rogue before the start of the season ? or Is it going to stay the useless class it is right now ?

Is there any blizzard employee that is competent enough no remake this class ?
I mean it is a f joke that they switch some talents around (they do this every years once) and call it rework. Those employees should be fired immediately including the one that said "yEs, ThIs iS gOoD wOrK, sHiP iT.

I have rather no change on Rogue at all then this garbage alibi vchanges to tell your customers you’re in fact not lazy and inkompetent.

I am just playing through the story of season 2. JFC stop making these charakters little sissies. They are complaining about their feelings all the way.


are you talking about a specific specc? or what? cause assa is DEFINITELY playable, and same for sub. Cant’ comment for outlaw.

Assa is not playable. It’s not fun to play because blizzards understanding of fun is just to add more buttons to press and to press them more often.


I disagree with you. As I am playing it right now, in PVP and it does more than fine. Sure its not quite Sub. But it holds its weight fine, I disagree with the reduced targets on indiscriminate carnage. But other than that, its fine.

heres a guide for 10.2

if you have or need any further help I’d advise joining the rogue discord.
The changes of nodes is good for the health of the class on the talent trees imho personally

I don’t care much about pvp.

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the advise. I’ve played M+ 20 in Season 1 and timed them. So I do understand quite well how the rogue works and are also able to update that to the current season.

I still don’t enjoy how Assa plays.

I hope they won’t change anything - after almost 20 years of playing Assa rogue, this rework is like prodigal son returning home for me.

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