And this is why Damage Meters are a problem.
You say you’re doing great on bosses, but not so much on AoE pulls.
Well, every class shouldn’t be an expert at everything, IMO.
People are too focused on their performance compared to others, instead of looking at it as a collective effort.
Your teammates makes sure the trash melts faster, you make sure the boss melts faster. Everyone is contributing, but in different ways.
Spec performance is usually a revolving door, changes every major patch. Class tuning, set bonuses, trinkets, the actual design of the dungeons. It will all influence which classes dominate.
Before Prot Palas got a buff they were considered weak, they had a small buff and now every single top run is using a Prot Pala because they do more dps than the other tanks, sometimes that’s all it takes. But Blizzard balances almost exclusively around raiding, which is another reason why sometimes a spec can suck in dungeons and still get nerfed because of raid performance, case in point Fury Warrior.
Assa had the AoE nerfed and ST buffed. Nobody gives a flying rats about assa aoe in raids and the st didnt need a buff at all.
Nobody understood the fury nerfs. Not even the raiders. Their balance approach is at best nilly willy and throw a random dice and their attempt at nerfing holy paladin proved this (which they abandoned after getting a massive backlash from all fronts)
Only that this calculation doesn’t add up if the class with bad AoE dmg is also only doing equal boss damage as the others; then they’re back to being a burden.