WCL doesnt offer damage statistics for dungeons. It’s points statistics, so stop making things up.
On warcraftlogs you have a bar that says Raid Dungeons Raid Guide and Archon and on Archon they literally have those numbers so maybe you should actually look before talking.
I guess technically it is not warcraftlogs but it is real easy to find this information.
I also find it ironic you say this as you literally was making things up when you did say:
You should heed your own advice. Literally the first sentence on Archon says “Our Mythic+ tier list uses the in-game Mythic+ Score as its metric.” My 30% claim was a rough estimate at looking at actual log reports of dungeon runs, where Havoc is often ahead almost 100k dps vs Fire mages.
And you are wrong.
this is not the damage numbers shown this is the placement in the tierlist format used.
It’s correct. Check Waycrest 24s Havoc vs Fire. It’s 318k dps vs 234k, which is more than 35% even.
The damage number is hilariously low to begin with, compared to everything around supposed S-tier mage, and unverifiable with WCL denying to show similar damage statistics to raid. Fire is still riding on god comp glory from last patch, which will all change once everybody got their fotm alts geared.
Fire is doing big damage, it’s just completely reliant on the right pulls. It’s the full ignite build so it has to be big pulls (but not too big) with a chunky ignite sponge in there and mobs living a while. If there’s no sponge they are pulling mobs onto bosses.
This isn’t realistic outside the best groups hence this massive divide between what normal players experience and what websites tracking top runs show.
The buffs coming are very well done as to not buff the ignite build very much at all but buff Fire’s ST, small pulls and flamestrike dmg. Not only is it a clever buff it also makes the talent tree choices more meaningful.
It probably was abandoned.
WoD says hello.
and they were still far better than arms which recieved zero buffs yet again but mage is blizzards love class so they get buffed to s tier
Everytime we get a buff we’re blizz’s fav spec. People quickly forget a few months back mage not getting buffs was so common it became a meme. We were rockbottom on pure ST before these buffs, all 3 specs.
The reason we end up in m+ meta a lot is because the base kit of mage is great. It’s great for progressing content, especially fire. People find a way to make it work more than it having amazing damage.
from what i’ve seen so far of arcane mages doing 300k dps single target with no aug its going to be super s tier
Sure, if the fight was 1 mn long
All 3 rogue specs are above everyone else in damage. Hunter is not far behind, so is demo.
I agree, Arms is my favorite melee and I would love to see it at least above Fury. But Blizzard seems to be careful with buffing strength melees because getting the legendary will be a buff regardless.
Maybe because you guys get buffs every time Mage is not S tier, while other specs are forgotten for years.
Mage has been terrible after Nathria and only ever seen the light again after the Dragonflight rework, which were 4 weeks of getting nerfed to shreds week by week. So what the hell are you on about?
All the jealous wieners now come to this thread crying that their class didn’t get a tiny buff. Go and cry on your class’s forums. Fire and Frost were dead last in raid, that’s why they got buffed. End of story.
Yet fire was meta in M+. So what?
Don’t worry no need to defend your class so much, its blizz’s favorite child anyways.
And you are not. Might as well quit the game? M+ is not the only plain of existence. In fact it’s the most irrelevant one. And I’ve already pointed out that fire has been dogsht riding on last season’s habits.
Ok lil bro, mage is bad pls buff it next week it should be S++
We got buffs because the ST of all 3 mage specs was the lowest in the game. I’m not exagerating. Logs from fire snake boss before the buffs on mythic had all 3 mage specs at the bottom. The buffs have us middle of the pack at best, Arcane has good burst cleave timings for some of the fights that pushes it up.
The problem with m+ balancing is as more defensive than it is offensive. Mage’s class kit is great for m+. There’s been seasons were Ele shaman for example, do more damage than any mage spec but the mage still makes the meta because it can survive so much better. Ench shaman rn is doing tons of dmg but struggles to survive high keys.
They nerfed fire into the ground half way though 10.5 and people kept playing it anyway. It’s the same with Rogues, if they are near the top dps they get in the meta. Aug, Paly and maybe Druid are there too.
The problem isn’t with mages damage, it’s with the lack of m+ utility some classes bring.
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