Is there someone 60 already?

I am B) AMA

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Same, had an all nighter planned but just got really tired around 1ish and couldn’t be arsed… I don’t want to play new content if im to tired to take any of it in… Im 51 and somewhere in bastion… Jumping back on today (yay for working a weekend shift so still off work) and ill get a lot more done.

Incidentally im hoping the kyrian don’t take to long to be over with, the whole ‘for the good of everything’ and noble themeing really isn’t something I enjoy… They remind me of bloody dranai! Looking forward to getting my evil on in necrolord, venthyr lands :grin::grin:

I don’t care about end game viability there is no way im picking them or night fae as a covanent… Not evil enough… Im a bloody soul stealing chaos bolt throwing warlock why do i care about doing the noble thing? And im most definitly not some tree hugging druid eitherl :joy::joy:

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Lol that’s wild. I played from 11-1ish and got 1 level! I’m in absolutely no rush to get to level 60, just taking my time and enjoying it :slight_smile:


Plenty of people dinging 60 on my realm and guild. Earliest I know was around 3:30 am.

I played a bit last night, mainly to see if I could. Surprised by how smooth everything was. I logged after escorting jaina to the cave as I thought I’d be a good boy and my work starts in 15. Looking forward to getting into it later though! In no rush, just enjoying that new expo smell!

Also, as I knew and despite doomsayers, my scrubby mage in 56ilevel gear handled the mobs fine. What in earth were people talking about with that whole mobs can oneshot you if low ilevel jargon? It wasn’t faceroll sure but I was downing mobs in seconds. Just had to avoid the obvious “don’t stand here” is all.

I’m 51 which is the same as 60.

6+0 = 6.
5+1 = 6.

See. It adds up to the same.


Im goin really slow: i really like bastion. And i wanna taste all the quests and progressing in all the profession. (cooking and fishing included)

Played last night at launch on a somewhat stable server. Now I am going onto this main. At least I got to play and wasn’t dcing.

plenty of action even in Bastion - you will get it soon enough .

but the pace at certain points - feels like you are going through mud instead walking

hard to describe

it may be only me i guess.

They don’t seem to be that good tbh :crazy_face:

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Just reached 60, armory isn’t updating yet though


I made 5 lvls in 4hrs and then spendet time with my gf iam getting old haha lvling makes 0 fun anymore when u arround for 11 years.

Also take time with ur fam and loved ones in those hard times.

yes my friend hunter is 60

why you ask ?

Yah, but I had to queue dungeons to be able to take quests in ardenweald and revendreth because I was too low. It’s amazing they didn’t fix the issues from the beta.

good attempt to use store item shoulders in your transmog

but overall i give you 5 out od 10

i dont like this dark theme

Imagine calling people fools because they enjoy different things about the game than you do.

Couldn’t play on launch last night, Draenor, server meltdown, the usual. Managed to do a session this morning, but server started slowing down again around noon and was unplayable by mid afternoon. In the end, I transferred over to a lower pop server (which took around 2 hours to process) so I could actually play the game. Stopped for the day around Midnight at level 57.5. Probably would have been 60 if not for all the server issues, but still not bad. Still have 2 zones I haven’t touched yet, so I don’t think getting to 60 will be an issue. Haven’t done any dungeons, have been herbing and doing some side quests though.

Not in a terible rush, the real content doesn’t release for another 2 weeks anyway. Got 2 more characters I want to level in that time and I’m not a mythic raider, so gearing doesn’t have to be a rush job either.

I’m too bussy on watching my new adorable pet “Copperfur Kit” than worrying about levels :sunglasses:

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Well, good for them, I mean they have 2 years of being level 60, what’s the rush

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slacker the corrupted