Is this an april fool's joke? Shaman rework Joke?

Is this funny? Is someone paid to be pleased with the current state of enhancement?
Seriously, i am asking again. IS SOMEONE PAID FOR THAT???
Is it possible to be paid and be pleased with the current state?
After all the requests about animations, visuals, abilities.
After all the feedback.
After all the QQing.
You are pleased with the current state?
Well the pleasure is all mine…

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the rework is tomorrow …
this is just pre release talents

chill yo beans…

Have you ever considered that some players don’t want changes according to your feedback and QQing?

Yes. Its only a few of you.
Go to most of the classes forums and you will only see suggestions and QQing for small modifications about leaving abilities or underwhelming ones.
Go to shaman forums us/eu and all you ll see is people disapproving the whole mechanic system with button bloat unfunny gameplay.

And since you play and enjoy enhancement. How do you feel when pally has 30 sec wings / 1min cd and you have Ascendance 15sec / 3min cd? See this as fair? Are you pleased?
Are you pleased that the OP wings or most of the classes burst are out of GCD and Ascendance is?
I can go on for every spell and the diversity they mention they are happy with…
If you like trolling its another thing…

Maybe they are only underwhelming in the content you play and for content I play they are fine.

Yes I’m pleased because I never play Ascendance. I only played Deeply Rooted Elements on both Ele and Enha. The world isn’t centered around you and your take isn’t always the right one.

The content you probably play is Details damage meter and you just enjoy being top dps. Or you use those funny flash addons that tell you what to do next.
If you never play ascendance its a matter of why dont you play and why it exists if its useless so you agree with me.
Ok thx bye

I play mainly PvP and M+. And after checking you’ve never been higher than challenger so please…

Highest rio - 800.

You definetely do the “content”. So please firstly think before you say something.

Have you ever considered that maybe nobody treat you serious because you literally whine on the forums. You’re arrogant and not experienced at the same time. Nobody will take your spoiled posts serious.

I posted tons of feedback on beta. First of all be respectful and then maybe you will be heard.

Seriously you and your 20 matches of ever made BGs with less than a 1000 honorable kills with shaman are talking about pvp feedback for this class? Go talk about the class you know how to play and you dont enjoy just for a few months…

Dude I have 875th honor level and I have 8 shamans on this account. Just happened that I didn’t get 4 set early on Savageshock. I can post from the char I currently play.

I post from my current char. Happy now?

Play your 8 shamans since you enjoy why do you spend time on miserable forums?

I’d say it’s rather you doing it. If you played as much as you whine on the forums you wouldn’t be challenger and maybe you’d clear an average M+ key difficulty. Constructive feedback is fine but what you do is not healthy to anyone.

I see 0 constructiveness on your post. You only say i am not the center of the world. Well if you are happy with the current state be happy your 0 suggestion changes are all implemented. You won.

I suggested plenty of changes but I describe it in mannered way. I post it either on beta realm or in the feedback thread. You instead created a separate thread where you whine and you’re mad at devs that your fantastic feedback was ignored. They just took the better one and the more popular one. Maybe your takes were a bit out of touch or less popular.

I ve created plenty of suggestion threads and i ve supported other’s threads with alot of nice rework feedback. In all of these threads everyone was kind and suggestive.
This thread is a result of frustration of the unwillingness to do any of the changes except of some talent lottery movement and baseline feral lunge.
If you are unaware of the button bloat and the plentiful of meaningful spells/ and procs this spec suffers from after having 8!!! shamans i cannot tell you anything more… I am just jealous of what you find nice and playable in that spec that i cant…

Dude there are 6 mln people playing this game. Even if you devide it by 13 class there are hundreds of thousans of people playing Shaman. There are many ways of giving feedback, X, reddit, in game and forums. Just because you gave few topics on forums it doesn’t mean Blizzard devs have to listen to you. First of all maybe they had completely different vision of spec. 2nd of all maybe your feedback wasn’t popular and there were other ideas sent to them more often. This game isn’t only about you. You don’t have to make drama or offend other people just because you weren’t listened.

You tried to make me look bad just because I didn’t agree with you. For a below average player in terms of content you do you have a huge ego for sure. I don’t say casuals are bad but let’s be honest class design is also made for players who are actually doing M+, raid or play competitive PvP. Maybe your idea would make spec too strong for example.

Still your idea of things. Cutting edge DPS is not on par of having fun with the same spec. DH have been meta for 2/4 seasons this xpac. It doesn’t have to be + 28 player on M+ to have an opinion. The fact that you might had a good mate and got to better rating doesn’t mean you know a thing better than me. I ve been maining other classes for so long that still I ve got tons of more content on my shaman than you have combined to your 8 shamans. So stop the lollipop about casuals.
Just acknowledge that there are people who think differently than you and the spec you seem to enjoy like it is flawless, is severe broken for others.
You are not the center of the world either and you cannot disallow me from saying that if these people are paid to be pleased with this chaotic mess in enhancement, then something is completely wrong here…

the rework is not live until tomorrow , read the blue post

its not going to work correctly today … blizzard have already mentioned it

I played alot enhancement in PvP, more than you. They are fun, they just die fast. So hopefully that get fixed

No. they tank good. no fix needed… your opinion is subjective