Is this an out-of-season April's Fool joke?

Hi, patch 10.2.6 was really big disappointment to me because it added nothing to retail, class balance buffing underperformed talents and more like separating M+ from Raids so it can be balanced easier. And now im reading about 10.2.7 which is the same, no real thing added to retail, no class balances nothing but adding some time event or battle royal, no thanks. On the 1. April i read “joke” about:

"We’re pleased to announce that, due to the unprecedented state of nearly-perfect balance across all classes in all content, we cannot find any spell or ability that would be better changed than left unchanged. This patch is a celebration of players’ incredible skills in both PvE and PvP, where all are equal and seemingly no class is undesirable.

Thank you very much for bringing about such a wonderful moment!"

But from your action it looks like post from 1 April is truth because you are doing nothing with actual game. I dont know whos idea was this but they should be demoted. PLEASE PLEASE DO SOMETHING WITH ACTUAL GAME, not time event, not old datadisk, not battle royal. Add class changes/balances buff underperformed talents (like enha shaman have only 1 good option, Frost elementalist, no firenova no windfury) separate PvE to m+ and Raids so you can buff class in m+ and not make them OP in raid and vice versa. If you want i can help you with it :slight_smile:

And i hope we will get back on right track of actual fun game not time gate, not time event, not borrowed power. If its bad dont add it, if its good dont take it away

Best regards Kiratu

im agree with you i’m in the 10.2.7 ptr testing the wow remix whats nothing more then a leveling fest in pandaria and they say its faster leveling but its kinda slow and i level faster in retail.
Hope there is more NEW stuf to the horizon before the expansion not more of the same under a new name.