Is this even legal?

while we do not nessecerly know if selling progression for gold in /2 is legal,lately I get ads about an app that sells proggresions and carries for irl money,is it even legal?

the ad is on youtube

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Selling boosting services, like M+ and raid carries on /2, for gold, is legal. Doing so for real money on the other hand, is not.


I got a simular ad

‘‘Buy wow classic gold today! 6% off!’’

mine is “buy our subscription,crush the others,dominate the game!”
simmilar to this simple-carry .com /products /mythic-farm


If it’s real money trading then this is definitely something you report! Might want to write a ticket too, if the situation repeats. The situation with Gallywix shows that Blizz is capable of taking action when needed, so here’s hoping they will continue punishing real money traders.


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