Is this how Cataclysm Classic is in 2024, we came for that?

Wait 16 minutes for an invite.
Tank & healer leave the dungeon.
I wait another 21 (!!) minutes for Tank & Healer for the dungeon I was already waiting for.
Finally the dungeon is over.
I register.
3x French premade who don’t want to do the boss I need and then die 3x on the thrash to the 2nd boss and literally tell me “I should shut my f***ing mouth and finally stop saying I need the first boss…
Are we playing the game in 2024 for this? Did we come back FOR this?


I really hope Blizz comes with better ideas for heroic+ during phase 3.

Maybe they should take some inspiration from late MoP and allow minor upgrading of gear like 346 into 354 fo justice points and 359 into 369 in +2 ilvl steps. We have dynamic cap for valor that we now can aquire any time since phase 1 start what if when selling or disenchanting or valor gear we could subtract item price (including upgrades costs if they would implement late MoP system) so player could farm it back over time?

Blizzard should also make tanks and healer be able to get dps gear in call for arms bags, so more dps could spec into these roles.

I’m actually so done trying to pre-bis gear my alt(s).

Just had another tank barely speaking english asking in broken english if he could take unwanteds for his dps offspec. Then proceeds to need on every single item, claiming that’s what his question was about. Which it really wasn’t, if you understand plain english.

Then the one item I actually want drops. And he takes it, and “sorry didn’t see”. Ofc he didn’t.

Now that my guild also seems to be crumbling apart, sometimes you get to the point of like, “why am I actually doing this?”. I really do like the game, but the people playing this game are making it such a miserable experience. It’s like it’s forbidden to be a decent, functioning human being when in Azeroth. People have absolutely zero respect for others and their time investment(s).

As for your experience, OP, it does seem most favourable not to speak at all when doing things with random people in this game, indeed. That reduces the risk of accidentally hurting some 30+ year old mans fragile ego.

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Make your own grp, and make your own rules!

I gave up on Cata near the beginning was getting these vibes also

SOD feels more like I’m playing with other humans rather than bots in the group finder

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Remove all social aspects and mechanics from your game, replace them with convenience and instant gratification, remove the need to interact with others and this is the result.

Welcome to Cataclysm.

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I am tired of reading the same things every time. No it is not RDF that spoils the social aspect. FF14 has the same thing for every activity teleports you there with matchmaking or without and the game is x100000 more social than that. People chat all the time no one gets angry or ninja loot anything (BECAUSE THEY CAN’T). It’s not the Dungeon Finder that ruins the social aspect the reality is that in the WoW community of helping others or doing stuff for others no one cares. It’s the people that are the problem enough of these lies about RDF.


I haven’t played any other MMORPG than WoW in the modern gaming era, so I can’t really compare it to anything.

But yes I agree. Just because you’re not gonna be permabanned or even punished for being an antisocial prick, it doesn’t mean that you should or have to be one. The choice is in your hands as a player. But unfortunately many players in this game are making a very poor choice in this regard.

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And that’s what it always comes down to, ingame or RL, for that matter. If people want to be as*****s, they will be, regardless of punishment they might (or might not) recieve. If they want to be decent human beings, they will be too, regardless of any rules.

And considering how many people in the real online world (wierd thing to say) apparently want to act stupid…well, expecting the same ratio in WoW would seem reasonable to me. Sadly, the only thing to do with that is to find some guild.
Or to make the game in a way that repels such individuals by itself, but I guess the further we get with expansions (and personally I love Cata), the worse this will get…

If I’d actually mentioned RDF you might have a point, but I didn’t mention it at all.

Nothing change RDF or not the point is the same. In FF14 no matter neither you do heroics stuff or not game rewards you with tomes for get gear so you dont have to fight for loot. The problem of WoW is the game design: here playing for helping is not rewarding and useful at all is just a waste of time. Do roulettes on FF14 (so old content in matchmaking) rewards you for helping. People talk in chat here not. Is matchmaking? or just people in WoW don’t care about anyone else?

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Nearly 200.000 raiders/pvpers or 70% of the players stopped playing Cata since its peak population. Do yourself a favour, and join them. Much better games out there.

It’s close. A few Q.O.L features but essentially the same.

For those who played original Cata before the heroic dungeon nerfs, it was actually worse than this. Tanks were rare, very rare, and they knew it, they were primadonnas of the worst kind. I recall much toxicity from tanks being tolerated, simply because we needed them.

The FFXIV community is certainly different, but for dungeon roulettes (randoms), it has player commendations - there are rewards for being nice. In WoW, you are rewarded for being a selfish douche.

Cata original release was almost 14 years ago, so I admit that my memory of specific things like the state of affairs in early Cata dungeons is a bit rusty. But from what I still can remember, it was nowhere near this bad in terms of toxicity. I do believe dungeon runs in general had a worse completion rate than today, but peoples behaviour was for the most part better and more respectful.

that is my point. It’s the game design of WoW that pushes the community into toxicity because helping only becomes a waste of time. The problem is not the tools in the game like RDF or LFR but the people and you don’t solve that until you change the rewarding design in this game.

I am eager to see you doing that in guild raids.