pvp gear should’ve had a pvp-unique stat like idk, resilience and then no pvers would feel “forced” to do arenas.
next season just add a pvp stat to pvp gear and badge/justice/valor/whatever vendor for m+ and gearing is solved.
pvp gear should’ve had a pvp-unique stat like idk, resilience and then no pvers would feel “forced” to do arenas.
next season just add a pvp stat to pvp gear and badge/justice/valor/whatever vendor for m+ and gearing is solved.
Lol, nobody cares what you did in mid december, I also had 2.1k mmr in mid december when we all had equal gear and situation was different.
So please if you don’t play or don’t understand the situation now then stop wasting other people’s time with your troll comments.
How delusional you must be trying to defend this clown fiesta called arenas and calling yourself good because you got your first ever 1.8k with your ww monk
Absolutely agreed. I’m ilvl 200 on the dot and stuck there due to lack of item drops and vault giving repeat items.
I DON’T want to do rated PVP. I don’t mind a casual BG for the luls, but rated… no thank you. Esp. in this current PVP state of ‘balance’ or should I say total lack of balance! But the game is literally trying its best to force me to go there if I want to break the ilvl 200 misery
Normally I’d max lvl a new alt in an expac down time - but I know what awaits my alt beyond lvl 50…
ilvl scaling is pretty whack this expansion. I wish my problem was how little the ilvl increase is. Between how much time it takes to find an M+ group, the amount of groups that break up and the low amount of loot a finished run yields I’d be happy to even get a ilvl upgrade once every couple runs. Right now it’s more like 35 anima and the occasional epic shard.
Keking so hard. You don’t need to time m+ dungeons to get loot, same as raid. M+ ilvl is perfectly fine.
M+ is not even close to be fine.
For a reference with 1.6k rating you can upgrade your gear to 213 while in m+ max you can get (+15) is 210 ilevel (sure at start it was good resource of loot even with horrible drop chance).
So now theres two options:
Now what option ppl gonna take?
You get 226 piece every week from m+ with little to no effort. Getting 1600 rating is harder than finishing a +14 once a week.
the meta is broken and alot of unbalance, pvp is trash in shadowlands, spread the word
You also dont need to do anything in raid to get any loot. Can quite easily die after tagging the boss and get loot. You know, exactly how alot of people do it to sell boosts.
Ilvl from dungeons needs to be equal to what you can get from pvp and raid. There is zero reason other than raiders wanting to be the little princesses they are wanting everything on a plate and no1 else getting anything.
The only way M+ gear can be competitive with PvP/raiding gear is if the means to earn it are not infinitely repeatable.
Add a currency that is capped weekly, then it can go up to 226/233 no problemo, but you cannot have the stuff that is repeatable awarding 226 gear when the other means of earning this gear are locked behind X per week.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s hard or not, the fact is one man’s hard is another’s picnic, which means that is it’s infinite, there will be people who can earn that 226 gear on repeat, and they will, and they have managed to outgear raids and pvp entirely within the space of weeks. It doesn’t matter whether it’s out of reach for normies, it’s about what’s hypothetically possible.
Much like in PvP most people do not breeze to 2.1 and get 226. That’s actually a very small section of the playerbase in total. Most end up in the 200/207 range honestly, which is comparable to M+ “stuck” range. The fact remains that hypothetically even the best pvp players can only earn “so much” 226 gear a week whereas if we applied the same to M+, hypothetically the best players would be able to earn as much gear as they like a week.
Rebuild the M+ gearing system to address the current loot issue and then this can be done as well. No more drops in M+, currency only (capped per week) plus weekly vault and then make the currency vendors tied to the dungeons done (so you have to actually do them to buy the gear, not just grind pants low ones) and voila, sorted.
I actually wrote a post a week ago or so about how i’d revise the system in the “Your version of 9.1” post.
Each gets what they deserve difficulty wise. Same boosting philosophy applies to m+ and pvp too.
They can’t adapt fast enough ?
Says who ?
Boosting exists since gaming online .
This concept sounds communistic to me , i do all activities in wow , gear is for everyone not just for PVP-ers or PVE-ers , your concepts are old ( my 2 cents don’t go design games )
Was it like that in legion? I didn’t do any serious keys back then. I remember getting invites in +6 and +10 mid legion. Right now its seems kinda crazy for sure. Probably because people still want to get achievement and 210 gear still somewhat relevant (not really)
And actually have kinda the opposite problem, just not enough people q. Let’s say even for easier dungeon like halls 14 I’ve had trouble finding dps over 1k rio. So I went with full party 1k rio and 3 melee, still timed.
I don’t believe that 14 already irrelevant just because you still need 10 runs a week.
And even in 15 I’m not getting a lot of people and I’m playing tank with all 15s finished in time. Mb its just alliance thing
u can get full 210s from +15?
the point is, that you said I got to 1.8 with my current gear which is absolutely not the case. so yes you actually do care.
I even said, that I help guildmembers to get 1.6k in 2v2. so yeah I actually do still play.
funny how you just ignore the whole argument and just keep spamming crap. and here since you are not able to read
I even said that I am not good. so go cry more and keep sitting your 1.4 rating you clown.
You are either delusional or troll. Either way you are a waste of time. Maybe we meet at your work in circus one day, cu
you should’ve open a Troll instead of Tauren
most is just in your head and why do you care if you cant get there really with your skill. play what you can and have fun or unsub
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