Is this realm decent for Horde?


I have a few Horde characters that I want to move away from Firemaw.

Is this realm a decent choice for a Horde player? Is there a decent community and population of people to play with here?

I’d hate to end up on a dead realm.

Thanks in advance!


Im thinking the same! How is the server doing now?


Server has a high pop.
Towns are full.
Feels like the horde has more numbers.

I did transfer recently and I am happy.

Free transfered here right about the time Firemaw started having queues, was a bit difficult to find a leveling guild back then so I made my own.

Having a blast now, a lot of people seem to be leveling on Golemagg and my guild is popping off. Don’t think the realm will die anytime soon, if anything it’ll probably just keep growing with more transfers from Firemaw and people leveling up for WOTLK.

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