Is Tmorph a bannable offence?

Title really, just out of interest

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Yes it is.

Edit: it’s easily detectable too, As it changes game files. Warden (Blizzards anti cheat) is constantly logging for stuff like that. It’s not worth using it.


If Caught? Yes.

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no idea what tmorph is but judging from the morph part, it means it alters appearance or something and everything that is appearance altering as in tempering with files is not allowed, thus a bannable offence. doesnt matter whether only you see it.

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Well, everything you see in the game, has an image source for it. Then the game’s engine gives it “substance” so it becomes an object in the game, and so on.

What tmorph does, is make you able to swap out what is supposed to look like something, and turn it into something else.

At first, it wasn’t something people got banned for. It was basically used as regular transmogs you see today, except you didn’t need to collect the appearance to use such a mog. People with the addon could even see other people’s tmorphed tmogs, via hidden chat channels provided in the API for addons to communicate with each other.

But it was found to be using a weakness that was also used by cheats, primarily memory injection. iirc people even made floors disappear in raids to skip bosses with tmorph, and so on.

So tmorph being able to do such things, obviously came onto the “nono-list” after that, but there was a caveat.
I remember it still being allowed with a lightweight version, as long as that version doesn’t communicate with other addon users to show the tmorph tmogs to each other, and isn’t used to change anything except for your own tmog.

But that was a while ago this was talked about by blues, and I haven’t kept up-to-date about it since it was a hot topic at the time, so I might’ve missed policy changes concerning that since then.

Anyway, just wanted to point out that it isn’t such a clear-cut yes or no, because it was basically allowed at one point, but then became disallowed the way it worked, so they changed the way it worked to become allowed, and since then I don’t know what happened next.

There are other MMOs out there for fans of huge boobs.


I have to admit that I used tmorph during the classic/tbc many years ago because of one of those good ol Blizzards incompetence things that is the bugged hitbox of cat druids.

I litteraly had a hunter play with me meleeing me up because the cat couldnt land a proper hit.

A gm came to me and said that it is fine what I did but I had to sadly stop doing it. No ban but a warning in /say by a gm.

you dirty old orc…

sidles up


I have no clue, seeing as I’m not a complete pervert.

But probably some Korean one.

I seen quite a lot of PvPers a while ago got caught in a ban wave from using it. I wouldn’t risk it

what i found to pretty much makes it crystal clear to not use it:


Do it.
What’s the worst that can happen

People still use it and have done for years (i.e. a streamer called trille even uses it on his stream).

I imagine anyone using it is fine, until they do a ban wave similar to the previous one, where they may decide to outright ban people using tmorph. Then again, they may just revert it like last time.

Its basically “use at own risk”.

Its bannable. Streamers got banned for it often enough. It changes gamefiles even if its only on your screen it still does. Use at your own risk.

I think you are better of googling WoW images for example what you can find:



Oh my god why.

Why would anyone…


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I am sorry that you had to see this little one.

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long ago I got a ban with this. I had the ciminal inception to play a blood elf druid…

180 days ban for some reason i cant add here link to wowhead about this