First floors are a bit tedious, especially at high layers as you have barebones powers.
Beyond floor 3 when a build comes together, it gets much more fun and it’s a shame it ends at 6. Twisting Corridors will be awesome!
Halted BG grind for an evening last night to actually attend my torghast climb from last week and soloed layer 4, ended up with a build where I had pretty much 100% uptime on evasion, CLoS and vial. The boss dealt no damage to me until they were on about 10% and fully enraged.
Torghast is atleast a a new experience from a Gameplay Enviroment experience. (for gameplay layout stuff. Some specific mob types will always be the same yes but The floor layouts are ever shifting) and that to me never ever makes it boring af.
it feels like with a few tweaks here and there, it could be less tedious.
Loot drops from the portal elite on each floor
maybe the possibility to purchase anima from the trader, as well as powers
loot from the rare and chests
better difficulty scaling between the mobs and the end boss.
It would just give other reasons to want to do it instead of just soul ash and at least provide a consolation prize for is you can’t complete the run
If I didn’t know that the testers played a different version of Torghast, I would question their sanity: What the hell is fun about this slog fest?
And ALL the streamers, I mean, everyone of them, were so highly hyped about Torghast, "Amazingly, insanely fun, best thing ever, etc. " is such a contrast to my personal experience on live. It feels like they were trolling players hard.
I like Torghast’s anima powers for ret pally, but I really dislike the place. It’s visually monotonous, there’s no loot to look forward, the only thing you get is soulash, if you kill the boss. I’m definitely not going near it with alts.
Those streamers rely on the hands that feed them to feed themselves so they are not going to slag them.
After doing it a few times it is repetitive and pretty hard as a solo. I will do only what is necessary to get the leggo at a decent level and then wont do it anymore.
Risk vs reward is way off in that place for non self healing and cloth classes for my taste. I will not even bother taking my mage in there and she is goign to sit this expac out as an enchanter only.
So much for the one hour a week people keep saying.
To clear a 4 , 5 and 2 6’s you are looking at the very min of 3 hours. Minimum.
I and two others cleared 1, 2, 3 on one side plus 1 and 2 on other side this last week.
nearly 4 hours with one 10 min break.
4 hours of the same colors, same mobs, same layout. I cant say this is fun anymore to be honest. I enjoy M+. Different dungeons. Different people. Differnt mobs. Torghast is just the same thing over and over and over again
Done it on Shadow priest (i’m a bad shadow priest so take it with a grain of salt) and BM hunter.
Bm hunter is cakewalk so far… SP i’m taking forever because i’ve no DPS.
Turns out never seen a cool class related power so far… Like hey get 30% dps on a skill with a cd… Get dps on a skill when you destroy a jar… so on…
My problem with thorgast is… It’s very long… I don’t feel i’m getting stronger by getting anima … Some anima power are only useful for killing the massive amount of trash and will never help you on the last boss (hello anything mawrat related ?)
Like, seems easy to do cool stuff… BM hunter ? Why can’t i have multiple times my pets ? would be too much fun i guess… And that’s the problem… How dare you have fun in the game ?
I kinda feel bad thinking we used to have games we would stay on because the game was fun… Now you’ve to stay on the game not being fun because you would be weaker for not doing it … Kinda feeling bad for youger people who won’t see what games used to be unless if they go out of their way to see…
Personally find torghast a bit dull, it’s too rng to be very engaging and it’s also too time consuming, there floors before 6 feel repetitive and kinda pointless. A missed opportunity.
I actually kind of like knowing 100% what I will receive if I complete the run. Not having any of the anticipation or disappointment that surrounds wanting a particular item and potentially getting it or not getting it - it’s a welcome change, the rest of the game is already about kowtowing to RNG. Edit: Yes, I realise that 99% of Torghast is based on RNG, but here I was referring to loot in particular.
As for if it’s fun - yes and no.
I enjoy that I can take my time and go at my own pace. I also enjoy the level designs. When it’s going well, I really like it.
But I get really frustrated when I breeze through levels 1, 2, 4 and 5 and am then met with a boss who pummels me in a few hits.
I also think that putting traps on levels 3 and 6 is a dirty move.
My only complaint is that it feels as if there is a huge disconnect between the level mobs and the boss. It isn’t really possible to guage your likelihood of completing a layer because the mobs are so much easier than the boss, which can result in a lot of wasted time.
I think the bosses should be nerfed, or the mobs should be buffed so that there is a very clear jump in difficulty between layers before the boss is reached.
It should take some 1-1½ hour to clear both wings at layer 8 once it unlocks, that’s all you need to do in a week. There’s no reason to do more runs than that.
No not really i can stomach layers 1 and 2 but after that everything takes too long to kill and the place takes ages to complete and if you don’t get good anima powers its either impossible or just annoying to get through.
Not gonna lie i enjoyed island expeditions more and i stopped doing those after i got my 3 pirate hats.
imagine - playing game when reset comes and you knwo that you gonna be forced to spend not fun 5-6 hours to clear thorgast on 3-4 alts - each week - till the end of expansion
I made Torghast for hours, and couldn’t enjoy a single moment of those hours. Thorgast is 100% pain for me. Grey single player dungeon, with the exact same enemies every layer, boring music, boring reward system. IMO this will be the reason for many people to stop playing this game. You keep doing it from layer to layer, hours passing, but 0 fun. This worst than Magni yelling every 5 minutes “AZARTOH CRIES OOT FER YA!”…
Torghast as an idea is ok but having to do it over and over and over again horrible.
I mean I did both wings lvl 3 last week so I have to to lvl 4 then 5 then 6 this week. On both wings. And there’s that Jaina quest so another 6 layer.
That’s 3x6 layers + 3x6 layers + 1x 6 layer. That’s having to do 42 layers.
Nothing, NOTHING I have to do 42 times, neither in real life nor online, is fun to me.