Is Torghast Fun for You?

Totally agree with you Anavele… also if you go in as solo healer the random mobs spawning definitely do not have extra 30% health or how much the debuff thing suggest at the time. A normal one often has 3k hp while these little … spawn with like 30k or more. So yeah, very annoying. I loved to the first parts cause I could go afk and make tea and come back and do it at my own pace, even took a shower midway at one point. That was fun, and got ruined. Often if I need to go to the toilet I first have to search for mawrat to keep me in combat which is just sad.

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This is actually where a big part of the problem with it is for me - it feels so slow.

Rogue-likes are fun due to it generally being quite fast-paced but WoW is a very slow game with slow characters and a long GCD - add this to the fact that I believe the Torghast floors are at least twice as big as they need to be and it’s a very mundane experience that I am already dreading doing week on week and feels like a chore.

I play Paladin so there is almost zero risk to me dying (bar mistakes like zoning out from boredom and being knocked off the edge). Mobs have too much health considering they can barely tickle you and there’s way too many of them considering the size of the floors.

I hope they’re looking at it closely and rework it - Torghast has the potential to be some of the best content WoW has ever had. Just not in it’s current iteration.

I have to admit this week it was a bit of a slog, I have so much on the go in game that it was like oh I need to get that done.

when every streamer was saying its fun , i think it was different iteration of it , it was kinda like infinite tower u start at lvl1 and go from there , also it droped more powerups if im n ot mistaken . Now its just 6 floors and thats it , on the other version you litteraly became god and it was fun , now it kinda starts getting fun and bam your at floor 6 and it end , bah

i havent even bothered … i got to layer 5 solo … on my hunter got all the way to the final boss which took over a hour…

and failed because i kept dying with the boss on 10% health…

since then i havent even bothered to go back and do torghast…

its pure rng bullcrap with the powers… one run you are literal god doing 16k dps without even trying…

next run you are a weak normal player with nothing but movement speed powers…

its just not fun in its current state… elite mobs should have higher chance to drop useful powers… while normal mobs should drop cosmetic ones…

how it is right now is just 100% RNG and it is not working.

meanwhile classes like my prot paladin … just run through it yawning because the class and powers they get just make it far too easy and boring.

there is a difference between… challenging because the boss mechanics are hard and you keep dying to them…(which isnt the case)

and challenging because the scaling i sjust stupid and the bosses are near impossible to solo without certain powers…

basically if you dont have certain powers its a wipe and there is no avoiding it…
the bosses should still be beatable based on mechanics not powers…

the rogues in our guild are literally rage quitting with how bad they got it in torghast…


to be honest, I was expecting higher levels to provide me with higher skill demanding fights.

But all i got was more hp for adds. More damage dealt and zero challenging mechanics.

Kind of disappointing.

lower levels were more fun tbh.

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imagine if they actually made group puzzle during the final boss fights… and complex mechanics based on how many people were in the group…

torghast would of been a blast like that…

the lazy increase HP and DMG approach is just boring and offers nothing fun to keep redoing.

well. I guess i’m gonna hold my final vote about torghast, until they release twisting corridors.

I’m gonna finish it for the sake of the mount eventually. So maybe it turns out to be great after all. We shall see. But for now, after clearing the layer 6 for both wings this week, It was just boring.

carefull what you wish for

they will give you 35 anima for each run - like they did to mythic + which apparently drops now 35 anima not loot for people who do it :joy:

ye - where are those things like infinite blink , infinite fel rush , infinite earth eleemntals etc …

this is the thorgast that was advertised .

i wonder if they deliberately put it into game seeing how much time some people take between fights .

it got boring pretty fast and now i can’t even bring my self to do it

No, not really. I’ve managed to do it to level 4 as a Prot pally (ret no lol) but I have no inclination to go further really. You know how faceroll saving Jaina is? In beta it was like that until higher levels. Now that was fun, feeling like a god. Also, we were going to get loot. They took that away. So I’m not bothering beyond Bolvar’s quest.

I love it, I have a few pet peeves about it though, it feels too small and too short in order to flesh out correctly.

I feel like in blizzard not wanting to make it bothersome and thinking about people’s feelings they made it worse than it can actually be.

You barely start rolling in a floor before its all over, which just turns the floors into try to find as much anima power as you can type instead of explore! delve! fight!

Imo, blizzard should increase the size of each floor by atleast 10 times, with the take being that players are free to explore all that, and will definitely get rewards by doing so, but the deeper they delve into a floor the harder, more complex and scarier it would get.

Right now players feel forced to completely clear out every floor because they’re so small and they need the anima power, instead of completing them out of a sense of adventure or a risk reward, which just turns it abit bothersome to some people.

Another problem I have with torghast is… 6 floors is a very weird number and just not enough, you barely complete a " build " before being at the end.

Imo, it should be 10 floors atleast, with an easy boss on the 5th floor, and a hard boss at he 10th floor.

These type of content will never truly prevail imo unless blizzard truly commits to them, this is why enthusiasts are never full on board and people that already dislike the content will just keep complaining, because they feel shallow.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Torghast, but it just feels soo much wasted potential is gone because blizzard is trying to be considerate.

There are many things I don’t like about it too

1- Why do we have a map? It makes absolutely no sense, as we progress in torghast, players should get a permanent upgrade that lets them map things as they move around in each floor, but that changes for every run.

2- Some elite mobs feel like normal mobs, while some normal mobs feel like elite mobs, that should never be the case.

3- The scaling is horrible, scaling isn’t difficulty, and going from floor 1 to floor 5, I barely notice any power gain in the mobs, damage wise and complexity wise, imo mobs should start getting much more complex as we climb.

4- The Shop isn’t diverse and big enough, right now you just purchase the entire tab all the time, there isn’t much choice since if you clear everything you end up buying the entire thing.

5- A lot of the time, it feels like some anima powers just make you invincible, especially as a rogue or a warrior, I don’t know who’s idea is that if I get a combination of 2-3 anima powers that are fairly common, I would get perma cloak, feint and evasion! that’s too much tbh, or I get a perma Die by the sword.

6- Dps checks, I really dislike them tbh, I don’t mind them and they’re not hard, but they’re also just… plain, I’d rather bosses start using more and more abilities as the fight progress, making things more interesting, for example the boss has a pool of 20 abilities, and starts by using only 2, but for every 30 seconds that passes, the boss starts using one more ability, and after 10 minutes, the boss would be at their final form and be super complex and hard.

this sounds like a list on how not design no offense
it’s already a brain dead chore they should just scrap the tower

I find it fun sometimes.

It’s just insanely imbalanced. Which unfortunately is probably unavoidable with content that has to cater to between 1 and 5 people and 12 different classes.

Of course there is the RNG of the powers. Sometimes you get ridiculous powers and sometimes mediocre ones. Like one run on my warrior alt I got 3x the 5 phantasma power from victory rush, and the next run I got the shattering throw power that deleted 76% of the last boss’s HP in one shot.

It’s clearly a lot harder for some classes than others. If you don’t have self-healing it is going to be trickier to clear the higher layers solo. Same with the longer CD on interrupts for ranged. Playing a tank is also just like entering a cheat code.

The difference between solo runs and groups runs is also just incredible. We tried a run last night in my guild with four of us, a tank, a healer (because we expected the scaled up damage to be a lot higher than it was) and two dps.

Layer 6 felt incredibly easy as a group, as a healer I had practically nothing to heal. It was mostly just chunking through the bigger HP pools on the mobs with none of us ever really being in any danger.

Personally I would just remove the need to do the previous levels. Why can’t we just try a higher level without having to do every level? This week we had to do a 4, then a 5, then two 6s. That’s four runs, not counting if you’re playing an alt as well.

Overall I think it has some potential. I think they will certainly need to do some more balancing to it.

I’m not sure if I wouldn’t have rather have had another couple of dungeons instead though. And I think there will be complaints from solo players (which let’s face it are the vast majority these days) for a long time to come.

I enjoy torghast but i do wish the pace was faster.
The mobs are very bullet spungy which makes subsequent runs less appealing.

Being god isnt fun. Well yes ut is for like 1 minutw than you realiye how boring it is. This “i am unbeatable god” can be liked only be entilted 12y olds.

Well, it was at first okay with me, at the first Layers at Week 1. Clearing trash willy-nilly in that level was hilariously fun. Layer 2 was similar. But then Layer 3 happened… and it all just hit me. Pure despair and unhappiness. I was close to rage-quitting entirely. Had a spell where I couldn’t even clear Layer 1 because of bad Anima Powers only.

Playing it with others though, assuaged my panic and worry about bosses. If we screwed up, at least we would screw up together and have a laugh about it. Just last night, I cleared my first Layer 3 with my boyfriend, who taught me to properly crowd-control and did fun things with his Powers - for instance, a Power that buffed his Mind Blast each time he used Shadowmend. Steadily we climbed up, and brought down the boss as well.

If you are by yourself, your experiences and overall opinion of it will be more tenuous.

not gonna lie, i find it really boring