It is an easy and boring dungeon in which rng plays a big role. For me, it is nothing but a waste of precious time.
Not at all. I bought the upgrade with echoes plenty of times. I still can afford to buy 10 vessels or more on all chars and have spare echoes on all. Depends how much you play per char.
N’zoth? With AotC on the char and minimum 4/12 M was super easy to find a group and kill in under 10 minutes. In LFG.
The vision? So disconnecting in vision is an issue, but disconnecting in tower when you are out of combat and the assassin is on you is not an issue.
And you are not considering classes and players that might need more than 1 legendary and they are, also we are talking about 16 items not 1, so who knows what balances will happen over the expansion.
You could only buy an upgrade to the corruption resistance and it wasn’t in the game at the start.
You don’t lose soul ash if you disconnect in torghast.
We can agree to disagree. You can like the current system and pray to Blizz to not make you farm everything again because balance.
I don’t care what the legendaries do. I pick the one that I like the most, regardless of whether it’s bis or not. It’s not going to make me be unable to complete content that I want to do.
My choice of legendaries or covenants isn’t going to be what’s holding me back if I can’t do something.
Torghast begins to be fun when you have plenty of anima powers already and your gameplay has been drastically changed, first 2-3 floors are always boring as hell, especially on layer 6 (13 Dec 2020), when you are hitting single mob for quite some time and nothing exciting happens… At least in my opinion.
It is a solo content. It as boring/fun as questing is. The fun part of MMORPG is playing with other people even if you are not the social one.
Yes but imho should be shorter.
Can be fun, most of the time isn’t.
I’ve done it on aff warlock, fury warrior and frost mage, and while lock is my main it’s also the least fun overall. I liked the mage most, but warrior also had some moments.
On thing i noticed is that for warrior the runs were much more consistent with it comes to power quality, but for the warlock it swings alot.
Agree, Torghast is boring and annoying content.
For me, The Maw too. Getting reputation wih Venari - it’s a pain.
I will skip that part completely. A very simple solution.
No, feels like playing diablo. Also the rewards doesn’t counter the time invested at all.
I will be glad to skip, but need a lot of reputation to get Crafter’s mark II recipe
Blizzard, please lower requirements to get this recipe. Or move this to another faction - Ascended, Undying, Wild Hunt…
Can’t do it anymore. I always try to. I get to the 2nd floor, see the ridiculous amount of trash and leave.
Torghast is without a doubt the worst content this game has ever had.
Torghast is without a doubt the best content this game has ever had.
Torghast is definitely not fun, I hate doing it. It’s a long boring process, kill mobs, kill mobs, kill more mobs, then boss. It’s time consuming, boring, repetitive, not challenging, like when mobs randomly spawn if you aren’t in combat, that is incredibly annoying, they’re easy to kill but having to keep doing that is plain boring.
You get to the last boss, which can be somewhat challenging, then die a few times, then you’ve failed, and wasted all that time killing boring trash.
I’m just not a fan of it at all, it’s nothing on the Mage Tower, which was fun. Torghast is just another massive chore.
Herb garden in garrison was more fun and rewarding.
Was really looking forward to do it and I’m extremely disappointed with how they implemented it. It’s just boring, takes too long, rewards aren’t good and I can barely bring myself to do the weeklies…
I can barely bring myself to do the weeklies…
Same… I hate the thought of it.
No, Torghast is probably the worst thing Blizzard has come up with thus far.