Is Torghast Fun for You?

That would be corruptions, not torghast.

I had lots of fun with corruptions with multiple characters Thorghast i don’t want to do even on one character anymore.

Layers 1 and 2 are ok because i can just quickly breeze through them after that it just becomes complete snooze fest against sponge like enemies and if you don’t get good anima powers its a total waste of time.

thats the worst part

there is 0 chalenge - there is just waste of time while killing mobs diablo style.

imo they should just keep ash to like L3 and anythign after that should be 100 % skipable

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You can get that from the Awoved as well…

So Ion’s ideas? You would expect someone to learn from their own mistakes.

I like the concept of Torghast but the novelty is rapidly wearing off.

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how can it not when its not giving you anythign and yu are doing literaly the same corridors multiple times a week.

there is simple solution

put in gear into thorgast

for example starting at 180 on L1 and then going up +2 on each layer.

would instantly solve the "i have nothing to gain " issues.

or hell puti n currency there - and decent itlv gear to buy for it.

It can be fun! For example, I had a super fun power combination today:

Interrupting becoming your highest DPS output :smiley:

The whole concept including the powers and their weird interactions are very diablo-ish, but I enjoy it a lot. I wish Blizzard dared to do new stuff in WoW more often.

I like the concept and would like to play more Torghast, but would much prefer a customized run where rewards scale according to number of floors cleared. I’d find it more fun to do a full run spanning 3 floors at one go vs do a couple of floors, afk for 20 mins repeat until you clear floor 6 and it only took 2 hours -.-

No, What they shouhld of done is find another way to craft legendairys and make soul ash a currency fofr cosmetics.


Most streamers said Torghast was empty and not fun just repetitive, which it is. T

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Torghast is fun the few times you get the broken combos and 1 shot everything which is far too rare for it to be fun in general.

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duno i find it just extremly boring.

just finished L5 - never dropped below 90 % of health but it took me almost hour just because of how much health mobs have. so boring i logged off after - only reason im doing it is to unlock higher difficulties for next weeks.

just let us go striaght to L6 from L3 ><

Ye that’s most of the time for me also, got a lucky run and got frost wand with some other broken stuff and AoE one shot everything from floor 2 - 6 though which is probably the only fun run I’ve had.

No. I did initially. I find it boring and extremely tedious. Relying on the ultimate RNG to have a chance. Can spend an hour or so in there only get nothing from it. And don’t get me started on those god awful mobs that spawn when you’re out of combat…

YHeah, That too, The fact I need to do it on alts to unlock every single layer is a time waste… Like… I know what I am doing thanks…

Starting to enjoy it more now that I’ve got my Diablo mind-set on. Sunday afternoon, bottle of beer, F1 on the radio - just working my way through slow-and-steady, did a Layer 2, then 3, then 4. Nice casual and relaxing dungeon-crawling.

It’s the fact that you have to clear your way from the bottom to the top. It’s the definition of degenerate gameplay. They seem to hate the idea of degenerate gameplay, but still force us to do it anyway. You need to take it slow if you want to be successful, and clearing one layer at a time can literally take hours per character.

Then add in your 3 other characters, and all your game-time is gone for the week.

I hate it.

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I kinda like it to be honest.

Except Skoldus Hall.

F Skoldus Hall. All my homies hate Skoldus Hall. :angry:

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I’m going to change the answer I gave earlier…

Torghast is fun if you take a group of at least 3, preferably 5.

Why? Because at least one of you is going to get some OP anime and the run will do ok.

However, Torghast can (but does not always) suck solo because you are at the mercy of RNG and some runs just don’t give you the powers you need.

If you go alone, you have about a 75-80% chance of not having fun. Gather a team of 3+ guildies, and you have pretty much 100% chance of it working out, not wasting your time, and being enjoyable.

Treat it like a dungeon.

That you can go solo does not mean this is the best way.

There is no entrance fee, you can help people for free, and people can help you for free. Go with friends. Soloing Torghast should be considered something to do at the utmost end of need. You solo Torghast when your shifts screwed you over, when your kid refused to go to sleep for 6 days straight, or when you were too damn lazy to do it earlier in the week and now it’s Tuesday night and your friends are in bed.

You do not solo Torghast as a regular, expected, intentional choice.

(Unless you honestly like doing it. If, like me, you hate going solo; take a group. Just… just take a damn group. Trust someone who hates doing Torghast solo and take a group.)