Is Torghast Fun for You?

thats because you dont spend 60+ minutes clearing trash in raids

if you did the outcry on forums would be legendary .

im all for it - lets put 60 mintues worth of trash between each boss in raids and make bosses overtuned to sky

and every 5 wipes you have to rekill all this trash

and boss gives you no gear

lets see how many people would raid then - hint - nobody would

blizzard should just man up and openly admit - we wanted you to get lgendaries on week 12 off expansion not on week 5 - but because we are incompetent we will buff thorgast to slow you down .


lol - such a good explanation of failed feature

not its not -its a proof how incomeptent wow devs are - 3/4 of them should be fired starting with Ion .

It was fun the first week, now I hate it…

Too much slog for too little reward. Sure a couple of classes/specs can snooze their way through it, but a LOT of classes struggle.

It’s literally soul destroying to fight your way through to the final boss, and then get absolutely wrecked because your anima powers suck.

I hate Torghast - it’s not fun, it’s not rewarding and Blizz really need to sort out class balance in there because it’s awful right now.


Coincidentally the people saying things like this and how it is a fun experience are primarily Demon Hunters, Paladins and Priests :slight_smile:

Like I mentioned before it all depends on your class/spec/covenant choice whether or not there’s actual synergy between the choices you get as anima powers.

I have a feeling that the people that find it slightly challenging but beat everything on their path are downplaying other people’s dreadful experiences because they don’t realize they have a class/spec/covenant combination that works amazingly well in that type of content.

I’ve come across 3-4 bosses in the past 2 weeks that were simply impossible to beat, there was nothing I could have done differently to beat them.

Extremely bad or even downright useless anima powers combined with a hard hitting boss that only gets stronger/faster as time passes, where you have to CC it constantly after doing a little bit of damage to heal up because for some reason 40-70% of your health removed with 2-3 hits is a common occurrence in Torghast and practically impossible to fight against.

The bosses are boring ZERG fights, there is no tactics at all required, you just need to get it down quickly and the only way of doing so is by having good/OP anima powers. Gear helps but not as much as anima powers.

If I have to use every ability in my spellbook, every potion, healthstone, phial to the point I’m clicking 25-35~ button combinations in an attempt to get a boss down and still are not able to… it just goes to show how overtuned/dreadful this boss is to face as the class/spec/covenant combination you’re running it as.

… and I’ve been Mythic raiding for quite a while now so it’s not like I’m inexperienced or inadequately skilled when facing content that requires skill… and considering that, I can’t imagine how dreadful Torghast must be for Normal/Heroic-level players running on the same class(es) I did it with.


Its awful, just a boring slog. cant imagine haveing to do this every week.

I would just like to point out that neither WF nor islands brough outnowhere near as much so much rage and unhappiness out of playerbase as thorgast did in just 2 resets .

this is extremly bad launch for expansion - and no amount of PR bs in Ions panic interview will change this fact

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The biggest mistake Blizzard made is making Torghast the only viable option of getting Soul Ash.

I would have a way better experience if there was a way to get the same amount of Soul Ash for that week by doing some mindless grind that takes twice as long rather than putting myself through this boring and frustrating content over and over again.

Ironically Azerite Power was widely obtainable through every type of content you could do and rather than having a similar system in place where there’s at least ONE alternative way, they practically force you to do Torghast.

… in come the comments: bUT THeY dONt FORce yOu TO Do tORGhasT
Yet in order to participate in other types of content, people will have the minimum expectancy of you having a rank 1 Legendary as otherwise you’ll not get invited/kicked out of the group and replaced with somebody else that does.

Sure you can keep to Groupfinder queue content but anything ranked you can pretty much forget about getting an invite.

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Got my DH in it yesterday, 162 ilvl cleared layer 5.

now 186, can clear the stupid trash, come the last boss and i’m annihilated.

Tried with a group, same stuff, 45 mins to get to last boss and we got destroyed.

There’s no mechanics to avoid, just random “i take your life more and more until you die”

Remember when it was supposed to be a fun experience ? remember when it was supposed to take us MAXIMUM 30 MINUTES a week to get our ashes ? Well i do…

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As a hunter Torghast sucks if all you get is tar trap upgrades… just so bad…

The unnatural power buff just makes every boss fight a dps race with minor mechanics to dodge. Imo they could’ve made creatively challenging fights but decided it would be all about pumping numbers instead.

I have more fun fighting the trash than the bosses.

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It was last week, but the recent changes now make it feel like a chore.


10 chars

No. Not really fun.

I Haven’t tried it with a group yet, mostly because my guild runs away when they hear ‘Torghast’

“Sorry my cat puked”
“Sorry I’m going to sleep”
“Sorry I don’t like it”
“Sorry I’m sick today”

Lies! None of them like Torghast. It’s a chore

Same here. I don’t know any of my guildies who thinks Torghast is fun so far.



Even in the previous week I was saying that Torghast, while not terrible, was pretty underwhelming.

This week it turned into a boring slog which I don’t really want to do.

It was supposed to be the jewel of the expansion. And it is just not.


Torghast is fun, but it tends to stretch on for far too long.

Torghast balancing is also problematic, where simply adding to damage and health values may make the content virtually or almost impossible for some classes/specs.

Right now, it’s honestly not fun at all for me. Luckily I only really need to do maybe 2 runs of Layer 4 to get okay-ish Soul Ash weekly, so in the end it’s not too big of a deal.

But I am pretty biased. The whole idea of Torghast being a RogueLite is something I don’t like. Mobs/Bosses being overtuned wouldn’t be a problem, but relying on random upgrades just isn’t fun for me. The mobs/bosses are also not mechanically challenging in my opinion. They’re just checks, which again is fine I guess, but besides gear you are heavily reliant on the upgrades you get. And randomness determining it is just not fun for me.

Also I play Feral. I don’t know what the consensus is for the spec, but the upgrades for Feral are horrible or boring. I am also levelling a VDH, Fury War and Aff Warlock. Hopefully they are fun, otherwise, I’m probably just gonna farm Soul Ash from the Bolvar quests or Missions. I am not gonna force myself to do something I don’t find fun.

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What do you mean? Are you not having fun with a 100% wider tar trap? or having disengage drop a trap? or tar trap slowing things by 15% more?

my guild are more of a ‘well we have to do this rubbish eventually so lets do it and suffer together’

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Sorry to tell you but disliking torghast isnt allowed. It summons a numptie that tells you why you should. Just do like you do with that old crazy lady that lives at the bottom of your street.
