I wonder that because on my server and the one connected with it there definitly much more alliance than horde, yet I still get 10% bonus. It’s 62,9% alliance vs 37,1% horde. It also feels like there are more alliance playing in warmode compaired to the horde, but I might be wrong.
It’s across all servers(except RP realms, their an exception). So your own servers population don’t really matter at all when calculating WM bonuses.
I am not sure how they estimate that a faction is underrepresented. It could be more related to which faction dominates in WPvP. Even though on your server population of alliance is higher, still in WPvP Alliance might be underrepresented when it is taken globally.
Pretty sure the 30% bonus is regional cause on RP shards Ally outnumber horde but still have the bonus last I checked (unless they changed it over the weekend)
Thanks! So it’s all servers excluding RP and per region. Personally, I don’t think it is fair for the servers where the fraction with the bonus also has the upperhand.
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