Is /who broke?

Seeing people post in chat while I’ m looking for a guild, so I /who (guildname) and the guy who just posted isnt online. Happened loads, anyone else seeing this?

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Yes /who has been broken for some time now.


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This is sooo frustrating. It’s been broken, I suspect, ever since Blizzard changed it so that it broke some of those spammy addons (and also, indirectly, other addons that were actually useful). Been a looong time. I’ve had a few people tell me that they were almost put off joining our guild because they did a /who of the guild and it looked like we were a dead guild. Showing only one or two online when there was over a dozen.

Not only that, but trying to actually get anyone invited into the guild is also a nightmare - obviously they’re having issues trying to /who our guild, but also we can’t /who for their character name either. The only alternative to that is to get them to apply via the guild finder - but that too is broken (reported to Blizzard who said it was a bug, but that bug is still there, months later).

*edit … also see post here: /Who list and shift click on players names not working in game for me - #9 by Eshaal-argent-dawn

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Blizzard never bothered to update the /WHO function when they introduced cross realms… currently it’s only displaying people from you and connected realms.

not even that. a couple of days ago i /who’ed my own guild and it showed only 10-20% of the people who were online. :joy: and i knew most definitely that they werent offline.

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It’s not even showing myself or my friends from the same realm.

They rarely fix the stuff they broke, so I don’t think that /who will be fixed in this expansion.

Chat is also broken, so many times I reply to someone and someone else gets the actual reply…

I get whispers from people who are not in my friends list, in the format of someone in my bnet friends list, but without any name attached. I have to then ask in guild who has whispered me, because there’s no other way of knowing. This, too, has been reported to Blizzard, at least a year ago. I think the reply was something along the lines of “… weird”.

In fact here’s the first time it happened to me: Anonymous bnet contact

I can’t who most people on my friends, guild etc. It’s so bizarre how it’s omitting certain people. It’s not even consistant, sometimes it will work, other times it doesn’t.

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The only way I’ve found to actually see when someone is online, is to add them to my friends list. I can /who someone and it tells me they’re not found, but if I add to my friends list, it will show if they’re online. So basically what I’m having to do when someone applies to join the guild, is add them to the friends list of all the alts I’m playing, and hope that I’m online at some point at the same time as they are, and that I notice it showing on the friends list.

In all fairness, it’s weird :smiley:

There are a few things that still aren’t fixed. It’s actually weird because I’m sure they know about these bugs (that have been present since day 1 of Shadowlands) including the mail icon on character list that was included in blizzard patch note, but it worked 2 days when pre-patch hit and has been broken ever since.

/who g-“Complexity Limit”

/who r-“Blood Elf”

/who c-“Warrior”

/who c-“Mage” z-“Icecrown Citadel” r-“Goblin” g-“Apes Strong Together” 30-60

Just some examples on how to make it work more efficient. Last example is class, zone, race, guild and last is level.

This way it always shows accurate for me at least. When I just do “/who From Ashes” I don’t get accurate result. When I do the “g-” thing I always get accurate result.


Been broken a while, even shift+Clicking names and it’ll return nothing sometimes still. Pretty annoying stuff like this will go ages without a word or acknowledgement and no fix.

Haha yeah … I’ve sometimes had someone /w me and, before I respond, I’d try to find out who they are by shift clicking (to see if they’re someone perhaps I should know, in a familiar guild, for example) . and it will tell me they don’t exist. Even though they’re talking to me :stuck_out_tongue: Completely mad.

I’d completely forgotten about the thing where it was supposed to show you waiting mail on the log-in screen - I guess that’s something else they broke and couldn’t be bothered to fix. Perhaps if they stopped leaking staff, they might be able to spend some time on all their broken things … :wink:

I remembered that but noticed it wasn’t working, which is annoying because I’m an alt-o-holic and logging into chars to make sure no mail expired is rough. It’s kinda like how they talked about more customization later and then went back on it. Half-implemented stuff seems to be too common, either breaks or gets tossed away.

I’m also an altoholic … I use the Altoholic addon which tells me if mail is about to expire on one of my characters.

I think sometimes Blizzard sees improvements made by addons, and decide to build them into the game, but sometimes not very successfully. Unfortunately the problem is that sometimes addons that are really very useful - especially relating to guild management (and I’m mainly singling that out, because that’s the area I’ve been most affected), Blizzard either breaks via updates because there has been an addon that has taken advantage of the same code in some nefarious way, or because they’ve implemented the thing into the game - only it turns out to be unsuccessful. So we just end up with a slow erosion of anything helpful and useful.

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