I dont mean the battleground but the pvp zone in Wotlk.
To have meaningful rank you need to kill 20mobs with each having 700k-ish healthpoints. It takes over 10mins just to do this as dps, cant even imagine healer trying to solo them . (And additional time finding this amount of hostile npcs).
In old days you could just kill players or at least have others help you kill the mobs (im pretty sure They were never that strong). But now, because its old content, you end up often being alone or with few people. Which gets even worse off the peak hours.
Also the teamwork seems not working properly. I was hitting the mobs in duo with druid (both lvls 120), but i ended up with the requested 20kills, while she only had 4.
Of coursen in the end we failed. Wasnt able break single gate/wall before timer expired. (Another few mins wasted getting the demolisher to gate, ending with only 3mins shooting that got the wall to like 85%)
So is it overtuned or working as intended, because you should be never able do this solo/with few people ?