Greetings everyone,
I would like to share a feeling I have since few weeks maybe month +.
Regarding with the actual status of the game. I see that every 2-3 weeks we have a blue post about hotfixes/upgrades and stuff.
Wednesday we gonna have a 2.0 DF 1 isle + useless ring. Sounds like a no-new idea based on a originally bad idea. They already knew during DF that it was not good and interesting but they do it again.
We can also see meta specs getting buffs and forgotten ones getting nerfs or just nothing.
Ok but now I would like to add the fact that we have no contact with devs or forun moderators or something like :
“we know that actually we have troubles with content… m+ , balance with classes etc”
We have litteraly nothing saying Devs know there are problems in game etc.
I have the impression that Hotfixes/upgrades etc are generated by a headless chicken running on a “wheel of fortune” with random decisions.
I ve litteraly the feeling that after the launch of TWW 90% of the team just leaved and travel in Maldive/Bahamas for vacations and now we have 1-2 devs + interns or maybe no one and all of the game is managed by an AI.
And when we have “content” its about recycled one…
What is your feeling about the game status ?
I honestly think AI would do better class tunings then the devs
To me it feels like a sausage factory in the sense that it just produces more of the same, in the same order and on the same schedule.
The communication is streamlined to coincide with announcements and mainly communicated through external channels for PR reasons.
And because the game has settled down in its usual formula, then there really isn’t a lot of reason for more communication outside of the usual list of hotfixes and maintenance hours and weekly news.
In the old days you had some Q&As with Ion and some forum posts with Ghostcrawler and panels at Blizzcon during a time where WoW was still in a constant phase of iteration. Any design and system was up for discussion and could be revamped with a moment’s notice, and the developers were quite willing to discuss it.
But these days it feels pretty settled. The designs and systems and features are what they are, so there’s not a whole lot to talk about.
That’s my gist of it.
And maybe Blizzard’s giant scandal has also caused them to put a lid on all the developer profiles becoming too associated with the game in public, because it hits them like a boomerang if those developer profiles then turn out to be creeps and jerks and worse.
That they have too many WoW-products ongoing by now. Cut the crap with all the Classic spinoffs. One Classic, One retail, stick to it.
Other than that it would be great if we can see posts containing “AI” or anything related to “AI” be reduced to zero. It’s basically just a form of trolling.
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The players feel more AI than actual AI controlled players.
No it’s managed by an NFT.