Is wow finally dying?

Lately i seen nothing but complaints from the playerbase and looking at the dev decisions i can see why.
Makes me wonder, is “this” the final straw that breaks the camels back?


If WoW didn’t die during all the complaints for Cata every single expansion since then it’s not going to die now.

The only way WoW will ever “die” is when the servers are shut down. There really is no stopping it at this point.

Even if a new shiny MMO comes out that offers the majority of stuff people want, people will still come back due to their personal investment into it.

Sure subs may dip but people will come back. Not to mention newbies that have no idea of “how it was pre [insert expansion here]” who just will not miss stuff they never had.


Yes. I mean, I cancelled my sub months ago. And Stormwind is ghost town, no players. Goldshire very few players, which is unusual for Argent Dawn role play server. Quietest I have ever seen WoW. I think it is finally dying, after so many years. Tbh, I prefer to play Fortnite now. I think players move on to different games. Wow IS OLD


Everytime I go on my velf at like 4 am it’s quite lively though?


Was thinking this, was there yesterday and seemed pretty busy to me.

I think last thread is this very subject few days ago came to conclusion it is not quite dead yet. Has the situation changed now?

I have played for 12 years myself… I took a break recently… I was just so burnt out. I came back and started 5 boxing again… 5 paladins and have been enjoying dungeons being harder… I am having a blast :slight_smile: Rather than grinding endgame reps I am now just taking it slow and it’s a lot of fun :slight_smile:


Queue times for bgs weren’t this bad in Legion, that’s for sure.
2 hrs and more for epic bgs - reminds me of Ashran queue times.

Also the fact that they try to pack everyone in captials for portal rooms is telling. That’s not just for travel time increase.


Just checked Stormwind on AD and there aren’t that many people but it’s certainly not dead, especially for a thursday evening.

certain aspects of the game are almost dead or atleast on lifesupport there is no point in denying that.
All the rpg elements are gone, Rated arena / rbg is dying and even for casual players there is little to no fun content. Gear progression and professions are completly dead.
with so many aspects of game the in such a dire state ofc ppl are leaving. I would love to play wow, however idk what i would do if i loged on right now, because doing the same repetitive content until the next patch hits in which i would have to do same thing over again feels meaningless and unfun.


Thats what they have said since TBC, it will be said when we have the next expansion as well, then continue as usual.

The cycle gets old of this…

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WoW survived WoD, it will survive anything.

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I started in cata. MoP was when I first looked at these forums and it was the same back then.

“Kung fu pandas lol wow iz ded!”.

Same drivel, different year.


So much lie’s at this 24/7 AD is active especially SW .

I hope not. I rarley see complaints in game only on youtube and on here.

I quit in catacylsm for half that expansion and totally missed MoP and came back in WoD.
I thought catacylsm would of killed WoW but it didn’t.
Wow will be fine.

Only few said that. MoP was one of the best expacs we’ve ever had imo, infact it might actually be my favourite of all time.

I’m not disagreeing with you but there was an awful lot of negativity about everything, from pandas to dailies to you name it.

must be the time all you ''hordies ‘’ (lel blood elf 50% ) go to your ally alts because sw is d E A D

There’s a lot of negativity with each expac. MoP just had one of the best endgames around which rewarded you for doing pretty much anything you wanted to do.

Also I miss my tillers farm and ToT :frowning:

I really hope they are abandoning the sinking ship and see that classic might be a saving grace at this point.