Island = perma CC

utter cancer.

stun, disorient, 10 sec root, slow.

Not even mentioning the stuck “in combat” status… thankjs for adding worms that agro you and dont even follow you…

so much fun.

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Just don’t pull too many annoying mobs at once :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You know what I liked about eso? 6 second of immunity after you were CCd. It’s nice actually being able to have control of your character. Something I’m unfamiliar with in WoW

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Are you dumb devs this makes 0 sense why there is no DR and thing liek in pvp or even pve working ?

What is this ??

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then you are unamiliar of abilites you can not get cced perma from same type of ability if you combine multiple on top of each other you could be cced for longer period of time that requries coordination and knowledge ,skill and if you get so long cced you are noob.

pull big or go home

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only thing thats insanely triggering is knockback…every second mob has it…not only on island but in raids…dungs …open world…devs seems to be obsessed with knockbacks this expansion.

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the stuns have DRs
if i pull 50 of those crocs, you will be first perma stuned, but each stun DRs and then you are immune for some time.

Anyways, most ccs are avoidable, problem of course is if you didn’t dodge one and you have a big pull, there will be many follow ccs, but that would be your own fault anyways.

now if I ever play garbo islands, I don’t even lose HP anymore if I pull the whole island… but they are just HP sponges

Only had a problem with yetis spamming fear

You just described why i hate pvp :joy:

Have to make melee dominate somehow

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